Here is the link to her Tuesday post.

5:45 AM-My alarm goes off for the first time. Although this morning I didn’t hear it. My phone has been freezing up lately so I don’t know that it went off until after I was already awake and had turned off the phone and restarted it.

6:30-When I actually got out of bed and started to get ready for the day. It doesn’t take me that long to get ready on mornings that I don’t wash my hair so I can get up about 6:30 and be ready to leave by like 7:05. 

7:05-Left the house and started the commute from hell.  I usually get to work about 7:30 but I don’t have to start working til 8.  Anyway let me just say I didn’t get to work until 8:20.  I couldn’t believe how long it took me to get to work.

8:20-12:00-I worked like mad and didn’t seem to get anything done at all.  The phones have been nuts the last few days and when they go crazy it is all I can do to keep up with them let alone put out all the fires that the men I work with make.

12:00-1:00-Is my lunch time.  Today on lunch I finished yesterdays post and got that posted and I also read my book.  I always forget to eat on lunch because I get caught up in the book I am reading or the YouTube video I am watching.

1:00-5:00-Was  more crazy time with the phones and the people I work with.

5:30-I was finally home and ate my dinner(Subway) and took my shower and washed my hair.

8:00-I am typing up the post now and I have the dvd of “Close Encounters Of The Third Kind” playing for my movie tonight.  I am going to finish this post and lay down.  I am still super tired from yesterday because I was up late and got home to late to take my pills for sleeping.

I hope you all had a great day!  I am going to try and talk more pictures tomorrow and break that post like I did today if you guys like this post.  Please let me know if you like the post this way (if you like it I will add pictures to the post like the first ones but break it up by time). Registered & Protected

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