1. What do you consider your hometown to be?
A town that is getting bigger as the days go on.  It was small when I was growing up but has gotten super big in the last 10 years or so.
2. What’s the hardest part of your average day?
Getting through work because I get tired so easily that by the end of the day I am ready to pass out but I can’t sleep lol
3. The easiest? Why?
Getting ready for work because it doesn’t take much to great ready.
4. What beverage do you reach for to quench your thirst?
Water or Dr Pepper
5. What is one not-so-secret goal you have for your life? I’ll let you keep your secret ones to yourself.
To finish school and find happiness
6. What physical pain do you fear most? For example, I’m trying to decide how bad my jaw pain needs to get before I risk a potential needle from my dentist. So, for me, throbbing is preferable to jabbing.
There isn’t really one that I fear.  I hate all pain but I deal with it on a daily basis.
7. Where do you find solace?
With my cubs and on the internet!!!
8. What makes you the saddest when you read/see the news?
All the people committing suicide or people getting bullied.  It makes me so sad that people get bullied so much these days.
9. What do you eat for a favorite snack?
Chips or any junk food!
10. What movie could you/would you watch more than two or three times and still enjoy just as much as the first time?
A lot of movies actually.  I will watch most movies several times and not get old of them.  Right now I watch The Last Song and Selena.  My favorite movie is Liar Liar though.
11. What boy/girl first made you cry?
Probably my husband
12. What brand of coffee/tea do you drink most often?
I don’t drink any of it.  I enjoy my caffeine cold!
13. Dig in the dirt with or without garden gloves?
Without but I should wear them because I am so allergic to planets that I break out in hives all the time.
14. James Taylor or Carly Simon?
Neither-I have no idea who either of them are!!!!

5 Comments on Sunday Stealing

  1. I know what you mean about the bullies and people so unhappy they kill themselves. So sad! I am with you on eating junk food and chips for snacks. : ) Sorry you are allergic to plants. James Taylor and Carly Simon are famous American singers, mostly from the 1970s music scene. They married each other and divorced, but are both still loved by Americans. Hope you have a wonderful weekend Maragaret!

  2. You got me thinking a lot about bullying … it's a word that comes up more and more often in this day and age.

    It used to be that "a bully" was the big nasty kid who beat people up for lunch money.

    It's far more subtle–and pervasive–now .. or is it? Do you think bullying is more of a problem today than it used to be, or is it just that we're talking about it more?

  3. Now I feel ancient! You didn't know Carly Simon or James Taylor? LOL Great answers. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    My Sunday Stealing

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