As you should have noticed I got a new design from Jacqui! I love this one and may keep it longer than the last one lol. I am finding I get bored easily and love to have new blog designs. I need to leave it along for awhile because I can’t afford to keep changing it every few months. So this one will stay for awhile!
I had my infusion on Friday and it went pretty well. I didn’t take the Benadryl that I usually take because I wanted to see if I could get along with out it. I am happy to say that I didn’t need it this time. I did get a headache but that is pretty normal. The one thing I did notice about this infusion is I was super tired after it. I hate how I am tired for a few days after and then come Monday or Tuesday I am good to go. Oh well if that is one of the only things I have to complain about I will deal with it because I am starting to feel better after them again. It has taken a few months to get back to where I feel better after them. Now I need to start walking after work so I can lose all the weight I have put on these past few months because I haven’t been able to do much because I was so tired.
I hope everyone has a great Monday! I may be missing for a few days because work is super busy for me right now. I had tons of work left on Thursday and since I am off this coming Friday as well I need to get totally caught up! Wish me luck!
It's very cute and I hope you don't get bored too quickly!
I like it! And Im' so glad you are feeling better! YAY!!!
Very cute. I am a new follower from her blog hop too
Come by to visit me when you get a chance at
I'm a new follower!
I like the design. I would like to have her design something for me, but it her site says she only does designs for Blogger hosted sites.