Cheers to all of us thieves!
1. :::sniff, sniff::: Is the dog in the house?
Sad to say we don’t own a dog just 3 cats
2. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
I don’t usually listen to advice because I hate to be wrong if I don’t listen lol
3. What’s the worst experience you’ve ever had involving alcohol?
I hardly drink so I haven’t had any bad experiences.  Drinking makes people do stupid things so I hardly ever drink.
4. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to another person?
Not going to say!
5. Who do you think started the concept of memes?
Someone who wanted lots of followers
6. Give a song title or line that describes how you are feeling right now.
Welcome To My Life
7. What’s your favorite search engine? Yahoo!, Google, Ask, Bing? or something else?
8. If Paul is the Cute One and John is the Smart One and George is the Quiet One and Ringo is the Funny One, which Beatle are you?
9. The democratic government decides that, not only do we have to share our money with people who choose not to work, we also have to share our children with those who do not want to ruin their bodies with being pregnant. Which child do you give up?
I wouldn’t have to give up any because I don’t want kids.
10. When should you procrastinate – now or later?
All the time!  I work better under stress lol
11. What is your favorite fast food?
French Fries
12. What was your favourite game as a child?
I didn’t play games because I hate to lose lol
13. Why terrible twos have to be terrible
They don’t it depends on the child. 14. Describe your favorite family member.
I don’t have a favorite member of my family
15. What does your favorite breakfast consist of?
Hash browns and scrambled eggs
16. What food is better the day after it was made?
Chili and Salsa
17. What was your last big purchase?
My Macbook
18. When was the last time you kissed someone and really enjoyed it?
The last time I saw pear
19. Why are there memes?
Because we run out of things to post about.
20. Described yourself using two words that rhyme. (i.e. fuddy-duddy)
fatty patty lol
21. If you were given the option of a “do-over” in life .. would you take it?
Nope-Everything I have done I have learned from
22. What movie makes (or has made) you cry? What touched you about it?
I haven’t seen a movie that has made me cry-A walk to remember was super sad but I didn’t cry when I watched it. 23. What is one big mistake that you did in your life? And what did you do to make it right?
Got pregnant when I wasn’t married and I placed her for adoption with her family.
24. When Life Gives You Lemons, What Do You Do With Them?
Eat them lol
25. How different are you in real life as compared to the online identity you have created for yourself?
Pretty much the same but I tend to have a bigger mouth online then in person.
26. Do you know what your parents would have named you if you had been born the opposite sex?
I have no idea and since my grandparents adopted me I can’t even ask my parents.

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Sunday Strolling Blog Hop

14 Comments on Sunday Stealing

  1. Hi there,

    New friend here from the Sunday Blog Hop. I think I already follow you on Twitter.

    Great place you have here. Glad to have come by it.

    The Things We Find Inside

  2. I am here for the Sunday blog hops and am following you via google reader. I hope to see you at Dropped Stitches.

    xo Erin

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