I have decided that I am going to discuss MS on Tuesdays now because I have had interested in telling more and educating people. Please tell me what you would like to know more about and things like that. This week I am going to do a post about Vitamin D because it seems to be the big topic this week.
I follow a blog and he wrote a really good post about it. I have heard this before but it seems like the drug companies don’t want to hear about it so it get silenced pretty quickly. They are starting to see that people with MS are usually low in the Vitamin D. They are saying that we should take more than the recommended 200 IU that they recommend. Now that scares me because I do know that if you take to much Vitamin D it can be toxic because it is stored in your fat. They say that you can’t get to much Vit. D if you are out in the sun. One MS doctor told me that he thinks sitting in the sun for 20 minutes a day is better for you than taking the pills. They say that taking 1000 IU a day of Vitamin D will also help protect you against cancers.
There is a higher occurrence of MS in states like Utah and other places where we have winters without much sunlight. They are starting to see that people that live in places like that should be taking Vitamin D during the winter and even in the summer if you don’t go outside very much. I also read an article when I was reading things for this post that says smoking makes you have between a 30-80% chance of getting MS. I can’t help but wonder if my parents smoking when I was little didn’t have something to do with me developing MS.
That is all I have this today. Like I said in the beginning please let me know what you would like to know more about. I will be trying to do this every Tuesday. I hope this will be helpful and maybe I can help someone. Have a great day.
It's interesting how many things are affected by climate, sunshine, etc. Fascinating stuff! I'll have to think up some questions for you. At the moment my brain is pretty much empty!
Large doses of Vitamin D will make a massive difference to your MS
There is more about Vitamin D at:
Go to http://www.ucsd.tv and search for a presentation by Dr Robert Heaney where he gives the science about toxicity
( OK to take 10,000 IU per day )