1. What is your favorite Mexican dish?
I love them all!!!
2. When you were a kid, did you get started on your homework right away after school, or did you procrastinate?
I always procrastinated because I didn’t really care if it got done. Most of the time it did get done but I always put it off and I still do this when it comes to my college work.
3. What is your favorite store for home furnishings?
4. When you were young, did you like school lunches?
Yes I did. In fact I would have rather had one from school than home.
5. Is religion a crutch?
For a lot of people yes.
6. In your region, what is the “big” (most popular in the community or state) high school sport?
Football or Basketball
7. Do you consider yourself rich?
8. Which of these would you have the best chance for success in administering:
B) Heimlich Maneuver
C) Changing a flat tire
9. Which dance would you prefer to learn & why:
A) Salsa
B) Hip Hop
C) Waltz
D) Swing
I looks like a lot of fun
10. What’s the worst news you’ve ever delivered to someone?
I was a CNA so I had to tell people when their loved ones passed away.
11. Name something you learned in college that had nothing to do with classes or academics.
How to surf the web!
12. New variation on an old question: If there’s a song in your head that just won’t get out, what is your favorite (or most repeated) line in that song?
I don’t like any song that gets stuck in my head. They all drive me nuts!
Today’s topic is hard because I don’t know where I really stand on the issue. This is one issue where I go back and forth. I don’t think being Gay is right but I also don’t judge people that are gay. As long as I am not forced to watched or see it then I don’t see a problem with it. I am tired of hearing about all the debates going on with the whole issue. It is getting old. Either pass the bills or don’t but stop arguing about it!