It is Tuesday and that means it is time for Jacqui.  This week she wrote about her new blog business she is starting.  She is the one that did this layout and the layout on my other blog.  I would highly recommend her to anyone and she does really great work.  She is also super easy to work with!!!!

Starting a new business…

It’s really hard to start your own business. Especially out in the blog/internet world since there is SO much many out there. In the end of august I will be launching my blog design business called Wacky Jacqui’s Designs. I am both excited and nervous since I don’t know if people will actually want to pay me to design there blogs. I am scared that all this work will have been for nothing and a waste of time. I really want to succeed in this; I have put my heart and soul into it. So I have been trying to find ways to get my work out in the blog world. It is really hard. So lately I have been doing a lot of free designs so I can get reviews and also get a little more practice under my belt before my launch date. Yesterday I completed my first design for review and I am pretty impressed with the work I did. I didn’t know I had it in me at all. This girls blog was a total eye sore (well to me at least) all she wanted was sidebar titles made up and kept bedding her to let me re-do the whole thing and finally she gave in. I learned a lot of things during this design that I will keep with me forever. I really hope she enjoys her new look.

This is what she had before (this is not her blog but you get the idea)

And this is what it is now.

Click picture to go to her blog.
I just love the way it looks, I can’t keep my eyes off of it.


1 Comment on Starting A Business With Jacqui

  1. love the design! looks great. good luck with your business…throw some scary wild stuff in there too lol

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