I don’t have one on the computer that was taken of me that long ago but I do have one that is older than that!  So here it is enjoy!!!!


Sunday Stealing: The Oh My! Meme, Part One 

1. The phone rings; who don’t you want it to be?
My soon to be ex husband oh wait he can’t call me!  I blocked his number!
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
If there is a cart return close by if not then no I don’t
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
Listener for sure
4. What was the last compliment that someone gave you?
A nurse yesterday said my nails were cute.
5. Do you play the lottery?
Nope I don’t gamble at all.  I am scared I will get addicted to it
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, who would you want with you?
Either m cubs or Squirrel
7. Do you like to ride horses?
No those damn things are super scary!!!!
8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
I went to church camps every summer until I was like 14 or 15 and then I stopped going because the girls were mean to me.
9. What is your favorite party game?
I don’t like games so I rarely play them
10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it?
Nope-that is wrong and I know all to well how the wife feels
11. When was the last time that you lied?
Not sure
12. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
Sure can and I do it all the time
13. If you have a S/O, who pursued who? If not, do you like to pursue or be pursued?
It is a little bit of both
14. Use six words to describe yourself.
Responsible, Caring, Easily Hurt, Respectful, Loving, Dependable
15. Name a song that could make you cry?
Tonight I Wanna Cry by Keith Urban
16. Are you pleased with your education?
No-I really need to go back and finish my schooling but that can’t happen til I know what I want to major in
17. How do you feel about gun control?
I think it is dumb!!!!!!
18. If your house was on fire, what thing would be the first thing you grabbed?
My cubs and then my purse
19. How often do you have a romantic weekend?
I don’t know that I have ever had one
20. Do you think more about the past, present or future?
The past for sure
21. What was the last adult magazine that you have read?
I have never read one ever hell I don’t think I have even seen one
22. What are you told about your eyes?
They change colors
23. How tall is just right?
How ever tall the man of my dreams is
24. Where is your dream house located?
Right where I am at now
25. Do you have a secret fetish?
Nope-I don’t keep secrets
26. Have you tried bourbon? If yes, what type?
No I haven’t
27. Have you ever seen a male or female stripper?
Nope but I have always wanted to
28. When was the last time you were at TGI Fridays?
Not sure probably like 7 months or so
29. When was the last time you were at Church?
Years go-I am sure the building would go up in flames if I showed up lol
30. Where was the furthest place you traveled today?
31. What was your favorite job?
Being CNA
 32. What condiments do you like at your BBQ?
It doesn’t matter to me
33. Bud is hosting Thursday Thunks this week. Will you play?
Probably not
34. Do you look like your mom or dad?
My dad for sure
35. Who was the last person that you showered with (it’s okay to leave out the name)?
My soon to be ex husband

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