I can’t say that I have a favorite book but I do have lots of books I like to read.  I have never been able to re-read a book like I re-watch movies.  My favorite series of books is Harry Potter!!!!!!

I loved the books and I love the movies just as much!  I also love to read books that are written by Jody Picoult.

I love how she writes.  There has only been one book of hers that I couldn’t get through so for me that means she is a great author!

2 Comments on Day 4- Favorite Book

  1. Hi!

    I used to work as a librarian, and couldn't believe how many people read the Harry Potter books and how quickly they got through them.

    I haven't read the books, but I've seen some of the movies with my kids & I would LOVE to visit the Harry Potter world at Universal Studios Florida.

  2. Love the Harry Potter books. I've read them through twice. I've got so many favorite authors, but the majority write urban fantasy.
    Stopping by from SITS!

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