I had my latest infusion on Friday the 7th.  I went to a different place then were I went for this post.  This place was so much better.  It was even better than it was when I went to the hospital for them.  I slept this time which is the first time since I have been doing them that I have actually slept.  I slept for about an hour and it was much needed.  I would have been worried if I hadn’t slept because I had a lot of drugs in my system because I had a migraine when I went it and I had to take my Benadryl(sp) because of the reaction that I sometimes have to the Tysabri. It was really quiet and relaxing there.  This time the doctor didn’t make me talk to him about stupid stuff because he knew that I was there for the Tysabri and that I probably knew more about the drug and disease then he did. I am glad that I finally found a place that I like and that didn’t act put out that they had to help me.
This is a short post but there wasn’t much to say on the subject.  I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday.

3 Comments on My Latest Infusion

  1. Glad to hear it was a more positive experience than last time. It's important to like who's treating you.

  2. Good, I'm glad you found a good place. It's surprising sometimes, the difference in care you can receive at different medical facilities.

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