Sunday Stealing: The Meme Time Meme 

01. Real First Name:
02. Birthday:
November 26 1984
03. Where do you live:
In a house in Utah
04: What are you studying/What are you working as:
I am a receptionist currently but I do a little bit of everything at work.
05. What makes you happy:
Misti, Tim, Elinore, Sylvia, Grandma, My new Blackberry!
06. What are you listening to now/have listened to last:
The last thing I heard was when my little brother was playing Papa Roach. 07. What is particularly good/bad about your blog:
I don’t know . . . How about everyone reading let me know what you think!
08. An interesting fact about you:
I placed my daughter for adoption when I was 20
09. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment:
I may I may not. . .
10. Favorite place to be:
Home or on a vacation.
11. Favorite lyric:
Welcome to my life.
12. Best time of the year:
Spring or Fall
13. Weirdest food you like:

01. A film:
Blind Side
02. A book:
Please Stop Laughing At Me.
03. A song:
Welcome to my life
04: A band:

01. One thing you like about a blogger that you have not met:
How caring and uplifting them are.  They are always willing to listen and give advice when you need it.
02. Two things you like about yourself:
I can’t think of two…that is really sad.
03. Name three things that you need in a lover:

3 Comments on I Know You Can’t Get Enough Of Me!

  1. I love your blog background…and I could think of lots of very nice things that I like about you…maybe that should be your next post!

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