I make up words all the time but the phrase that I use all the time is “Bite Me”. I have used that for ever and lately everyone has started to pick it up and use it as well. I am always making words up. I will take regular words and switch them around. My family is so used to it that I forget to not do it when I am around other people because they think I am totally crazy.
I always use Bite Me. I will use it in every way that you can possible use it. While I was typing this up I remembered another one that we always use. We always use the phrase “It was Julie!” when no one will say if they did something. It is from the movie Rocketman. We started using it right after we watched the movie for the first time and now we still use it all the time.
Those are the only phrases or words that I can think of that I use all the time. I hope everyone is having a great Monday!
Lol Nice! blame it on someone else.. i dont think ive seen rocketman.. wait was that the movie with the monkey? HAHA idk? lol!
i say bite me all the time!! among other things! hehe
My sister has used Bite Me since she was in high school (early 80's) she never got over using it either.
I like using Bite me too!!! It just works! I've never heard of the other one.
I LOVE bite me!
and Kiss my hairy ass!
Bite Me is definitely a phrase that can be used at least once a day!
That's my favorite phrase to text to my husband when he texts me something smart from work.
Nothing else really does the trick
Sorry about the double post. Weird. I got a big ol error message after I hit the publish button saying that "they were sorry and were reporting it to blogger…" Sounds serious
I didn’t realize how much I used dumb ass until my three year old told someone off using it lol
MryJhnsn ( recently posted…My Unsplash Fakecation
LOL I am scared to find out what words my brothers son picks up from us lol
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