What’s your most favorite part of your home?  
Is it a special readin nook?
Is it the broom closet you hide in ?
Is it your drawer pulls in the kitchen that took 34 years to re-do? 
Is it your deck on a summer night? 
Show us in a picture and tell us in words.
What’s your most favorite part of your home. 
What makes you smile. 
This is the prompt that Supah & Mommybrain came up with for this week.  To be honest with you I don’t know that I like any one space in  my house more than the other.  So I am going to write about the two things I adore that are in my house.

They are my girls Elinore and Sylvia!  When I refer to my kids these are them.  I couldn’t live a day without them being around.  Animals give unconditional love and for that I will always love my two girls!
I adopted Miss Elinore from a shelter when she was about a year or so.  She had been declawed and really badly abused before I got her.  I have had her for like 4 years now and she is just barely coming out of her shell and becoming a great little kitty for the most part.
Sylvia I got when she was about 8 weeks old.  I had actually picked her out before her eyes even opened up!  She has the most fur I have ever seen on a cat and also very bitchy.  She hates to be held and hates to have her tail touched.  She is the kind of cat that can’t be around little kids.
Those are my girls and I can’t imagine a day with out them!
I hope everyone is having a great Monday!

7 Comments on Favorite Things…

  1. I love my house … beleieve it or not, I can't raelly narrow it down- although today I am havoing a new washer and dryer delivered so I suppose the laundry room might be my favorite right now 😉

  2. I don't get time to sit very often… but my favorite spot is on the bench next to our front door. In the summer when the lilacs are in bloom and the yard is a bit shaggy… when I sit there, I actually feel like I'm at my grandma's house from 25 years ago…She's long gone, but the sights, smells and feeling are definitely there.

  3. Awww cute kitties!
    I miss my cat, Dergdian. He used to follow me everywhere in the house and sleep by my feet.

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