Maxine sums it up.

Let  me get this straight. We’re going to be gifted  with a health care plan  written by  a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand  it, passed  by a Congress that  hasn’t read it but  exempts  themselves from it, to be  signed by  a president who also hasn’t read it and who  smokes, with  funding  administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his  taxes, to be overseen by a  surgeon  general who is obese,  and  financed  by a country that’s broke.  

What  could  possibly  go wrong ??

7 Comments on Maxine On The New Healthcare Bill

  1. Oh boy! You've just sent my blood pressure a little higher!…
    EEEEKK!! This new law scares the begeebees out of me.

  2. I really don't think anyone is opposed to offering good health care to every human…..I just think we wonder how in the hell we are going to trust our government to be able to manage and pay for it!!! They can't even run what they are responsible for now!!!!!! Gahhhh…

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