
10 Favorite Snacks From My Childhood!

10 Favorite Snacks

This was a prompt from the writers workshop a few weeks ago and I still wanted to publish the post.  So the prompt for this post is: make a list of your 10 favorite snacks growing up.  As I am thinking about snacks I loved as a child are mostly candy.  I have found pictures of the things I am talking about so you can see them if you have never heard of them before.

  1. Haribo Gummi Frogs-I loved these are through high school and they are still something that I love to this day.042238472556_1
  2. Haribo Gold-Bears-To me these are just classic candy and something that I love to eat to this day.haribo
  3. Ring PopsEbay_035
  4. Trolli Brite Crawlerstrolli
  5. Pop RocksMain image
  6. Blow Pops4569-DEFAULT-m
  7. Laughy Taffy-the watermelon kind with the seedstumblr_mwfyk4ynK61sbamp3o1_500
  8. Peachie O’s778bb0d99c1b52cabd2ede59179b4a04
  9. Ruffles Cheddar & Sour Cream Chips8264548_orig
  10. GooGoo Cluster Ice Cream22810WFGOOGOOCLUSTER

I just listed junk food snacks because that is what I think of when I think of snacks but I did grow up loving almost all veggies & fruits so I ate tons of them as well.

What snacks did you love as a child?


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The Best Part

The Best Part

This is an old prompt from the writers workshop a few weeks ago.  I found the post in my drafts and decided that I wanted to finish it and get it posted.  The prompt is: The best part of my day is…  I chose this one because it is something that would change for each person and I would love to read what others find the best part of  their day.

The best part of my day depends on what day of the week it is for me.  During the week I would have to say that when I get off work is the best time of day for me.  I hate driving home with all the traffic but being off means that I don’t have to answer the phone anymore and I don’t have to be bitched at customers anymore.

On the Saturday’s I love when I get to shut my door and watch my TV shows.  I am addicted to Lockup on MSNBC & Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel.  I get lucky that Ghost Adventures is on right before the new episode of Lockup and I don’t have to miss either of them most weekends.

On Sunday’s I love when I can read the whole day away and not have to worry about anything other than doing my laundry.  I think I love getting lost in books more than I love watching TV shows.  I think this is because when I am reading I can decided for the most part what people look like and it makes you think more than when you are watching TV.

Anyway those are the best parts of the end of the day for me.  What are the best part of your days?

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So Frustrated!

So Frustrated

I got the idea for this post from a past writers workshop and I knew when I saw it that I had to write about it.  The prompt is: Something that frustrates you.  I knew I had to write about it because I find myself getting frustrated easily lately and I figured this might help me get the things off my chest and maybe even get over some of them.  Anyway here goes the list of things that are currently frustrating me.

  • Idiot drivers who refuse to use their blinkers before they change lanes.  I also am so tired of people cutting me off and then getting pissed off at me when I honk at them.  I guess I should just be okay with getting cut off and almost getting in a wreck.  I will try and remember that next time.
  • I answer the phones at work and I am so frustrated with people I work with not answering their calls and also never returning their voicemails.  I am so tired of getting bitched at by the customers who get pissed off because they are never getting calls back.  I understand the customers being pissed off but it isn’t my problem and I can’t make anyone answer their calls and/or listen to their voicemails.
  • I am frustrated that I can’t figure out how to make Elinore stopping pooping outside of the litter box.  I wish I knew what caused her  to start doing this let alone how in the hell I am going to make her stop doing this.  If you have any suggestions please let me because we are all at our wits end with her.
  • I am super frustrated with my health and not knowing what is going on.  I hate having Multiple Sclerosis because you never know what is going to happen and what the coming day will bring.  I am so tired of not knowing what is going to happen or not knowing what is really going on because there is no way to really know.

Those are a few of things that I am frustrated about right now.  I know there are more things but those are top 4 things that have me super frustrated right now.

Do you have any advice on how to deal with any of these?  What are you frustrated about right now?

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I Learned

I Learned

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about  1.) Share something you learned in February.  There are quite a few things that I learned during the month of February.  The biggest thing I learned during February was that you should never take a day for granted because you never know when it will be your last day.

The company I work for had one of the ladies in our accounting department pass away suddenly and that made me realize that I need to stop taking every day for granted.  I have noticed that for the last few years I have just taken for granted that tomorrow is another day but I came to realize this month that I can’t take that for granted anymore.

Another thing I learned this month is how much time sucks.  I say that because I always hear that time will heal and let me tell you that time hasn’t really healed anything.  I wrote about how I am feeling this month about placing my daughter if you missed that post you can click here to check it out.  I had hoped that at almost 9 years later I still wouldn’t be struggling with placing her.  I know that I will never forget but I had hoped that it would get easier with time and it hasn’t gotten any better.

Those are a couple of things that I have learned during the month February.

What did you learn during February?

Mama’s Losin’ It

If you would like to join in this week here are the prompts.  Also after you write your post make sure you click here and link up your post.

1.) Share something you learned in February.
2.) Top 6 Favorite people to follow on Pinterest.
3.) Update your readers on your 2014 goals. How are things going? Are you staying on track or facing some challenges?
4.) Describe the most vivid dream you can remember.
5.) Your least favorite subject in school.

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Karma Is Real!!!

Karma Is Real

I saw the following prompt and I knew I had to write about it:

This just in: let’s pretend that science has proven that karma is a thing. Your words and actions will influence what happens to you in the future. How (if at all) will you change your ways?


I loved this prompt because I do believe karma is real and there are definitely things I know I need to change about myself or at least be aware of karma coming back at me.  Now that I said that I am not a horrible person but I do find myself judging people more than I should.  I know that people always seem to be judging others but it is something that I really want to work on changing about myself because I hate when people judge me without knowing me.

I also would have to change some of the things I do say to people because I can only imagine at this point what is going to happen when karma does come around.  When I get pissed off I can be super mean to whoever has pissed me off and that is also something else I need to work on because it isn’t right.

The main things I would change about myself is I would try to stop judging others and be nicer to other people.  I would just want to be a nicer person.  I am currently working on being a nice and better person because I know it will help me in long run and make me a better person.

 What would you need to change about yourself if karma was a real thing?

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Just Stop Now!

Just Stop

On Monday I wrote a post about 2 groups of people I would love to read my blog and I decided it would be fun to list a few people who I think and/or wish didn’t read my blog.

  • Family-Lets just say if they didn’t read this or I didn’t have to worry about them finding this blog I would have more topics to write about because there are so many posts that I write but can’t publish because I don’t want to have to worry about drama or my grandparents getting mad.
  • People who I have had to stop being friends with because I couldn’t take any more of their drama or bad choices in my life any long.
  • People who feel that everyone who places their children for adoption were forced into placing them or tricked into placing them.
  • People who make it their life to make others feel bad about themselves.  I have never had this done to be and I don’t know that I would bother me but it would drive me up the wall.

Those are just a few of the people that I wish didn’t or wouldn’t read my blog.  I am sure the longer I think about it I will have more people that  come to mind but these ones are the ones I worry the most about.

Who do you wish didn’t read your blog?

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