Writers Workshop

8 Of The Best Reasons To Live In Utah

reasons to live in utah

This was a prompt from the writers workshop a few weeks ago and I wanted to write about it because I always complain about living in Utah but there are some great things about living here as well.  I am going to list a few of the reasons that I love living in here and why.

  1. I love that we have all four seasons.  I know I always complain about how hot summers are and how cold it is in the winter but it is so nice to have all 4 seasons and not just one or 2 of them.
  2. It is super pretty here almost all year around because of the changing seasons.
  3. I love the mountains and I can’t imagine living in the midwest where it is basically flat.
  4. I love all the different things you can see and do in Utah.
  5. For the most part I love the majority of the people who live here.  There are some people who I can’t stand but for the most part people aren’t to bad here.
  6. I love that I am not looked at funny when people find out I chose not to drink alcohol.  I did drink at one time but now I really don’t see the point in it.
  7. I love going to Temple Square at Christmas time and looking at all the lights they put up.
  8. The last thing reason I love living here is  I am comfortable being here since I was born & raised here.  I know that is a silly reason but for me that is a huge thing because I hate change.

Those are 8 reasons I love living in Utah.  Why do you love the state you live in?

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8 Books Everyone Should Read

8 Books

When I saw this was one of the prompts for the writers workshop I knew I had to write about it.  The prompt I chose this time is 5.) List 8 books you’ve read that you think everyone should read in their lifetime.  I have read tons of  books in my lifetime and I am going to list 8 of the ones that I have read so far that I think everyone needs to read.  I chose all these books for different reasons and I will write that next to the title & author of the books.

  1. 1984 by George Orwell– I read this book when I was in high school and I find it crazy how some of the things that happened in this book are happening in our country now.  I think that everyone needs to read this book because it is an amazing book and it is an eye opener.
  2. Fearless by Eric Blehm-This is about one of the Navy Seals from Seal Team 6 that went in and killed Osama Bin Laden.  He was shot during the firefight and this is a story written about his life.  I cried through parts of this book because he had an amazing story and I feel so bad for his wife and children who lost him way too soon.
  3. The Milestone Tapes by Ashley Mackler-Paternostro– I am not sure if I can even tell you how much I loved this book.  I cried through a lot of this book and I still loved it.  It is an amazing story and something I think I would do if I had young children and knew I was going to pass away from cancer before they children had grown to be an adult.  She basically makes tapes for her daughter for all the big things she knows her daughter will go through as she is growing up without her.
  4. Stress Test by Richard L. Mabry– I put this one on here because I love a good medical thriller and this one delivered on that.  If you lost suspense/thrillers than I know you will love this one.  (If you click on the title you will be directed to my review on this book)
  5. Anomaly by Krista McGee– I think everyone should read this one because it is about a dystopian society but it brings God into the story and I loved that about this book.  The next book in the series comes out in January and I can’t wait to read it.
  6. The Beloved Daughter by Alana Terry-I just read this book recently and I have to say that I loved everything about it.  I loved learning about what was going on during this book and I also had to wonder how many people really lived this story.  It take place in North Korea and it broke my heart to read and I was also sad because you don’t know what really happens at the end.
  7. The Girl In The Box by Sheila Dalton– I read this book a few years ago and I really enjoyed it because like the book The Beloved Daughter I have to wonder how many people really live like this and how many times things like this happen to people.
  8. Defending Jacob by William Landay– I loved this one because you get to see how some people think and you also get to see what some people will do for their children.  I don’t know if my child did something like his does I am not sure how I would handle it and what I would do.

Do you have any suggestions for books that I should read?

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I Am Thankful


This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 4 which is something you’re thankful for this week.  I chose this one because Thanksgiving is coming up in the United States.  I see on Facebook that people post one thing each day that they are thankful for so I figured that I would post a few things I am thankful for.

  • I am thankful that I have a job and through that job I am able to have health insurance.
  • I am thankful for my grandparents who are letting me stay with them because I don’t make enough to pay rent and I make too much to live in the low income apartments. (Even though some people think that I am staying there because I am lazy)
  • I am thankful that the Multiple Sclerosis isn’t as bad as it could be and that unless I tell you I have it you can’t tell because I don’t “look sick”.
  • I am thankful that I learned the the majority of my family is full of shit and I can ignore what they say because it doesn’t matter.
  • I am thankful that my grandparents took my brother and I in when we were younger and that they raised us.
  • I am thankful that I only had to work 3 days this week so I get a 4 day weekend.

Those are just a few things I am thankful for today.  What are you thankful for today?

If you want to be apart of the writers workshop you can click here and find out all about it!

Mama’s Losin’ It

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Two Words

two words

This was a  prompt for the writers workshop or will be this coming week but I really wanted to write about it.  The topic is: If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in just two words.  If I only had two words that I could use I think I would have them say:

Don't Rush

I would chose these words because I was always in a rush to grow up and I wish now I would have just enjoyed being a child and not worried about growing up and how I wanted to be an adult.  I find it funny now as adults everyone say’s not to rush growing up and enjoying being a child but we all know that every child wants to be an adult.  I know when people told me to enjoying being a child I just laughed it off because being a kid seems to suck when you are younger.  I wish I would have enjoyed more of the few good years of my childhood that I had before things changed again and this next phrase is something I wish I could tell my younger self:

It Gets Better

Because I really needed to hear these words while I was in school and recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  I still remember how hard it was to come to a realization that the MS was never going to go away and in fact it could get worse than it already is.  It is a hard pill to swallow that at a such young age you have a disease that will never go away and you don’t know how it will end up affecting you.

What two words would you write to a younger you?

If you want to be apart of the writers workshop you can click here and find out all about it!

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One Thing Elinore Does That Drives Me Insane!

Drives Me Insane

This week for the writers workshop I choose to write about number four which is: Your pets least likable character trait.  I chose this one because I could literally list several things that she does that drives me up the wall and this is the one thing  that drives everyone in my house insane.

Since I moved back home a few years ago Elinore has started only using the litter boxes to pee in them and not when she poops.  She will go out side of the box in the laundry room and on the rug that we have right next in front of the door from the garage.  I have no idea why she does this and what made her start doing this but needless to say everyone is tired of it.

When she does go outside and go to bathroom she will poop in the lawn but she will only pee in dirt or in a litter box so it isn’t like she doesn’t know what the litter box is for.  She just seems to not want to use it when she poops.  I have googled reasons why she has started doing this but everyone knows with cats you never know why they start to do crazy things.

If any of you have any advice on how to stop her from doing this I would greatly appreciate it.

What is one thing that your pet does that drives you insane?

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10 Things I Miss About Being A Kid

10 Things I Miss About Being A Kid

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 5 which is 10 things I miss about being a kid.  This is pretty easy for me since I always find myself telling kids to enjoy being young because being an adult sucks!  So here are the 10 things I miss about being a kid.

  1. I miss not having to do anything but go to school during the week.
  2. I miss the fact that now I have to worry about money and paying bills.
  3. I miss that I really didn’t have a care in the world and I could pretty much do whatever.
  4. I miss how things were back then.  I hate how in todays society you have so many more worries and concerns than there used to be.  I guess the best way to describe what I am trying to say is by saying how bully’s are today and how you can’t even escape them when you are at home like you could when I was a kid.
  5. I miss the fact that I wasn’t sick like I am now and that I could do more things than I am able to now.
  6. I miss the fact that I could sleep.  It is crazy to me how as a kid I hated going to bed but now that I basically can’t go to bed and sleep without taking something I miss being able to lay down and just sleep without taking anything.
  7. I miss not having any major responsibilities such as going to work or paying doctors bills.
  8. I hate that I know have to keep track of doctors appointments and any other appointments that come up.
  9. I hate that I can’t just ask my parents for money anymore when I run out of money during the month.
  10. I miss how I used to feel safe when I was younger and I never had a care in the world.  Now you hear all the time about kidnappings and things like that which makes me not want to raise kids in todays society.

Those are the first 10 things that came to my mind but I am sure after I post this I will think of a tons more things that I miss.  That being said what do you miss about being a kid?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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