Since it is Thanksgiving in the United States this week I wants to do the “So Very Thankful Tag” that is one of the prompts for this weeks Writers Workshop with Mama’s Losin’ It. I haven’t written anything for the writers workshop in months and since for the first time in a long time I had a free day and figured that this was great time to answer these questions.
- Name a color you are thankful for. Purple
2. Something your spouse does that you are thankful for. I am not married so this doesn’t apply to me.
3. Something your kids do that you are thankful for. Since I consider my cats my kids they are always doing something crazy that makes me laugh.
4. A food you are thankful for. Potato chips
5. What recent good news are you thankful for? That I don’t have any new or active lesions in my brain or spinal cord.
6. Name a drink you are thankful for. Dr Pepper
7. Name a restaurant you are thankful for. Any Mexican restaurant.
8. Talk about an animal you are thankful for. My cats
9. Name a beauty product you are thankful for. Hair spray
10. Name a cleaning product you are thankful for. Lysol wipes
11. What social media platform are you thankful for? Facebook & Youtube
12. Tell us why you are thankful for the last person who texted you. They always make me laugh which I love.
13. Name a candy you are thankful for. Gummy Bears
14. Name an app on your phone that you are thankful for. Youtube
15. What are you looking forward to that you are thankful for? My birthday and Christmas
Those are all my answers to the questions. If you answer the questions leave the link in the comments so I can check out your answers.
What are you thankful for right now?