
Les Brown – Quote of the Week

It has been almost 2 months since I have had the time to get to write a blog post about anything other than the book reviews that have to go up on time.  My day job took over my life because one of the ladies I work was going out of town for 2 weeks at the end of last year.  So I was learning her job starting in about November and once that started I had no time to do anything.  When it was the weekends I usually didn’t feel great so the last thing I wanted to do was sit down and write a blog post.  I am not hoping that things have calmed down enough that I can get back to posting more regularly.  Anyway, let’s get on to today’s post.

This week’s quote is by Les Brown.

I found this quote last year and I knew that it had to be the one that used when I started blogging more regularly.  I liked it because it is true and I have seen over the years how people act when a person has resting bitch face as compared to if a person is smiling when someone walks into the room.  Those are my thoughts about this quote.

What do you think of this week’s quote by Les Brown?

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Things That Made Me Smile This Week


This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 2 which is something that made me smile this week.  Instead of just writing about one thing I am going to list several things that made me smile so far this week.

  • The first thing that has made me smile is this stray cat that I feed at work.  He eats funny and always makes me smile when I watch him.  I am going to include a video & picture so you can see what I am talking about.

Stray Work Kitty

  • The second thing that has made me smile this week is my own cats.  They are always doing something silly and they always make the days  better because even if I have had a super bad day when I go home they don’t judge or care what happened to me.  They always love me no matter what which is nice.
  • The third thing that has made me happy this week was getting my nails done yesterday.  I always love getting my nails done because the lady that does my nails has become one of my best friends so it is always a good time. Nails
  • The fourth thing that has made me smile is thinking back to Saturday when we were watching my nephew and all the crazy things that he does.  It is so fun to interact with him now but it is a lot more work and if I am being honest I don’t have the energy to really keep up with him anymore.  I play with him for a little bit and then I go lay down.  I just keep seeing over and over that I don’t have the energy to be a mom (I will have an MS update coming up sometime next week).
  • The final thing that made me smile this week was paying off all of my credit card debt!!!!  I am going to wait a few months to see what happens at work but I am hoping since it is all paid off that I will be able to afford to get an iMac by the summer time.  Those of you who know me know I love Apple products so I want an iMac so bad it isn’t funny.

Anyway those are the things that made me smile this week.  What made you smile this week?

Here are rest of the prompts for this week incase you want to join in:

1. Throwback Thursday: Choose a photo from a previous February and write a poem or a blog post.
2. Something that made you smile this week.
3. Write about something mean you did to a sibling growing up.
4. Write a blog post inspired by the word: red.
5. List 10 things you never knew until you were a mom.
6. Write a 26-line poem using all the letters of the alphabet, where the first line starts with the letter “A,” the second “B,” the third “C,” etc., culminating with the final line starting with “Z.”

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All Smiles

All Smiles

I was reading a blog post last week by the SITS girls and they listed 28 prompts for the month of February and as I read through the prompts I saw a few I wanted to write about and this was one of them: What made you smile this week?

I chose this one because I am a firm believer that laughing helps relieve stress and for me when I smile I am usually laughing.  I am going to share a few things that made me smile from this past week.

  • My little brothers son is starting to smile and it seems that I am one of the few who can always get him to smile and laugh.
  • My grandma when we went shopping decided that she was going to make flour go all over me because she acts like she is a teenager.  The bag had a hole in it so she pressed on the bag and flour when all over me.
  • Just watching people made me smile because I don’t think people realize all of the crazy & weird things that they do.
  • I loved watching people get offend when they read the hoodie that I was wearing and see their reactions to it.  I was wearing this hoodie because I love the song and I love the hoodie: (FYI: I got the hoodie here if you want to pick one up for yourself)Coldass_Honky_clothing_large
  • I watched this YouTube video that makes me smile every time I watch it.  The ending is the best part of the video and it makes me smile just thinking about it.

Those are a few of the things that made me smile this past week.

What made you smile this week?

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