
Writers Workshop-Show and Tell

Show & Tell

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 1 which is something I brought for show and tell.  When I saw this prompt I was pissed that I still don’t have the thing I brought to school a few times.  I had kept if for years and years and a few years ago I figured it was time to let them finally go.

I guess I should tell you all what I brought.  If you are squeamish you might want to just skip to the end because I am sure this will gross out some people.  I got my tonsils out the summer before I started the 2nd grade and the doctor let me keep them so I would always bring them because it would gross people out.  I always thought it was so cool to have them and be able to show other people.  I am not one that gets easily grossed out so I thought it was funny when other people did get grossed out.

I also brought my cat a few times as well.  I wasn’t ever a huge fan of show and tell because I hated getting up in front of the class and having to talk to everyone.  To this day I still hate public speaking and getting up in front of people but that is a topic for another post one day.

What is one thing you remember bringing to school for show and tell?

This weeks prompts:

1. Something you brought for show and tell.
2. November 3rd is National Housewife’s Day…how did you celebrate?
3. The meaning of your name…does it suit you?
4. Tell us about something new you learned last month.
5. Share a list of some of your most recent favorite things.
6. What was your favorite song when you were 16 years old…is it still a favorite?

After you write your post make sure you click here so you can link up.

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7 Things I Miss

7 Things I MissThis week for the writers workshop I am going to be writing about number 2 : 7 things I miss about being a kid.  I didn’t have the best childhood so I am not sure if I can come up with 7 things but I am going to try so let’s get started and see what I can come up with.

  1. I miss some of the friends I had when I was in school.
  2. I miss going to school.  I am sure some of you are shocked by this one but I really did love & enjoy school.
  3. I miss having a summer break and/or days off during the school year.
  4. I miss not having to worry about paying bills or running out of money before the month is over.
  5. I miss the few years I had when I was a teenager before I got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  I had a few years where I did get to feel like a normal kid but then I got diagnosed with MS and I felt like I pushed back down.
  6. I miss  the times were easier.  I didn’t even get into things on the internet until I was in college and I am so glad for that because I don’t think I would have survived high school if we had Facebook and everything that kids have to deal with today in school.
  7. I can’t think of a seventh thing that I miss so I am going to write one reason I am glad my childhood is over.  I am glad my childhood is over so that I don’t have to go to high school and deal with all the idiots I went to school with.

Those are the 7 things I miss about being a kid.  What do you miss about your childhood?

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What To Do?

What To DoIt is fall in Utah which means it will soon be snowing.  I saw a prompt that asked what I did on a dark and stormy day and I figured it would be a good topic to write about because that type of weather will soon be taking over in Utah.  There aren’t a ton of things that I do when it is storming out but a few things that I really do enjoy doing.

The first thing that came to mind when I saw this prompt was I love to watch football when it is stormy and nasty out.  I don’t think there are many things better than curling up and watching a good football game when it is cold and nasty out.  On with that theme I also love to just put on a good movie or even watch reruns of my favorite shows curled up in bed.  I love not having to go out and being able to watch it storm and be warm and comfortable in my house watching TV.

The only other thing that I really love doing when it is storming is to get whatever book I am reading and find a warm spot to sit and finish the book.  I love being able to read books when it is gross outside because I can read about warm places and forget for a while that it is snowing and freezing outside for a little while.  I also have started to love listening to audiobooks because there are days where my head hurts so bad that I can’t read but being able to listen to an audiobook is great for passing the time as well.

Those are a few things that I love to do when it is stormy and gross out.  What do you like to do when it is storming outside?

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Something I Learned Last Month

Some Thing I Learned Last MonthThis week for the writer’s workshop I am going to write about something that I learned the last month.  I learned a few things but the one thing that sticks out to me is that ALS sucks.  I knew about ALS before the ice bucket challenge blew up but I really didn’t want to think about it because even before I looked into it more it still scared me.  I had the honor when I worked at a nursing home to take care of a patient for a couple of weeks who had ALS and that was the first time I knew anything about the disease.

Since the ice bucket challenge has been so big I wanted to know more about the disease and it truly scared me.  It is the one disease that makes me glad to have Multiple Sclerosis.  I mean it does still suck to have MS but in the grand scheme of things and problems that I could have MS is nothing.  I am so thankful that there are at least treatments that slow if not stop the progression of the MS so that I can hopefully have a great life and not end up in a wheel chair.

I can even imagine how scary it has to be to know what is going to happen and know that there isn’t anything or anyone who can stop it or even slow down the progression of the disease.  Not to mention what happens to you when you have ALS scares me as well because I think one of the scariest parts of the disease is to be all their cognitively but not being able to move or communicate with everyone around you.

I found a YouTube channel made by someone who is only 26 and was diagnosed with ALS.  It is even scarier for him because his grandma & his mom have/had the disease so he knows what he will be going through and like I have said throughout this whole post I can’t even imagine how scary that has to be.  If you want to check out his channel you can click here.

So that is the biggest thing I learned the last month.  What have you learned???


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6 Things I Will Miss About Summer

6 Things I Will Miss About Summer

This week for the writer’s workshop I am going to write about number 3 which is list 6 things you are going to miss about summer.  I chose this one because I don’t usually like the summertime and I wanted to list reasons why I will miss it when fall & winter roll around.

Anyway let’s get on to the list of things that I will actually miss when this fall & winter come.

  1. I will miss the warmer weather.  The only reason I list this is because when it is 5 degrees outside I will be wishing it was hot because no one likes to freeze their ass off all winter long.
  2. I will miss not having to worry about when I leave the house in the morning.  I hate that I have to try and figure out how long it will take me to get to work because you never know what the roads will be like and how long it will take.
  3. I will miss everything looking alive and pretty because I get so tired of everything looking dead all winter long.  During the fall things start to look dead as well because by then the heat has killed everything.
  4. I will miss all of the fresh fruits & vegetables that I pretty much live on during the summer.  There is nothing like eating vegetables out of the garden every day.
  5. I will miss not having to worry about forgetting a jacket or layering because of the cold.
  6.  I will miss being able to drive around with my sunroof open and the windows down listening to music on my way to and from work.  I love having my sunroof & windows open and to be honest I am not 100% sure as to why but I do love it.

Those are 6 things I will miss what will you miss when the summer comes to an end?

If you want to join in this week here are the prompts:

1.) How do your kids remind you of your own siblings growing up?
2.) What grade is your child going to be in? Share a memory you have of yourself at that same age.
3.) List 6 things you are going to miss about summer.
4.) Write a blog post inspired by the words: whoops.
5.) Tell us about something somebody did that made you happy.

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Do You Unplug?


This post is a day early because I have a book review that has to posted tomorrow and I still wanted to write for the workshop this week because I loved the prompt I chose.

This week for the writer’s workshop I am going to write about number 3 which is: Do you “unplug” during the summer months? Why or why not?  I chose this one because I found it the most interesting.

As I sat and thought about if I have ever unplugged during the summer since I have blogged I realized that I have but it has always just kind of happened.  I have never planned to take a break during the summer months but I always seem to get super busy and blogging just falls to the side.

I have noticed that I do really well blogging up until my daughter’s birthday and after the beginning of July I fall off and I think it has to do with getting depressed and just not wanting to take the time and blog.  I haven’t done that this year but I do find that I am putting blogging off until the last possible minute which is something that I don’t usually do.  I tend to wait till the last-minute with book reviews because I have to finish the books but on posts like this I try to have them done a week in advance because they are easy to write & schedule.

On the years that I have taken a break during the summer I usually start blogging around September or October so I take the summer off and even longer some year’s.  I am sure if I had kids I would be taking the summers off because there are so many other things that I would want to do during the summer with the kids and blogging would be put on hold until they went back to school.  I am not sure how mommy bloggers can keep up blogging and taking care of their kids.  I am pretty sure that isn’t something I would be able to keep up with.

Do you unplug during the summer?

If you want to join in this week here are the rest of the prompts:

1.) A new friend.
2.) Book review!
3.) Do you “unplug” during the summer months? Why or why not?
4.) Something you got to do when you were young that you would not let your children do.
5.) List your top 12 solutions for bored children.

Mama’s Losin’ It

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