I Loved

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number one which is: A movie you loved as a child.  There are a few movies that I loved as a child so I am going to post a few of the ones that I loved.

The first one that came to mind when I read this post had to be the movie “Labyrinth“.


Even now when I watch this movie it makes me smile and I am not 100% sure what it is about this movie that I loved so much.  It has David Bowie in it and if you haven’t seen it then I think it is worth watching if you want a good laugh.

The second movie I loved was “Willow”.


I have tried to watch this movie as an adult and I am not sure what I liked about it because I literally can’t get through watching the movie now.  I remember parts of this movie but everytime I try and watch it now that I am an adult I turn it off because it is that bad.

The third movie I loved was “The Wizard of Oz”

Wizard Of Oz

There isn’t much to say about this movie because I love it that much.  When it was realised a few years ago on DVD I bought several copies because the VHS I had broke and I didn’t want to be without it again.  I basically have the whole movie memorized and yet I still get excited if I see that it is on TV.  To me this will always be a classic movie.

The fourth and final movie that I loved was “The Sound of Music”

The Sound of Music

I still love this movie and I watch it all the time.  It did take until I was an adult to get everything that was really going on in the movie.  Once I realized what was going on in the movie I loved it even more.  I have always loved WWII so that made me love the movie even more.

Those are the four movies that came to mind right when I read the prompt.

What movies did you love as a child?

Mama’s Losin’ It

This weeks prompts

1.) A movie you loved as a child.

2.) Write a post inspired by the word: lost.

3.) Five of your current favorite things.

4.) Pinterest inspired! Share a pin you actually tried. How did it go?

5.) You’re better off without it…

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