Writers Workshop

One Random Song

Random Song

This week for the writers workshop #3 which is: Pick up your iPod or phone or whatever stores your music and press shuffle…what comes up first? Tell us about that song choice.  I have almost 2000 songs on my iPod so I went to a playlist that I listen to the most because it is a true mix of music and scrolled down and just picked on random song and the song that came up was: Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous by Good Charlotte.

This song is super old because I believe I first heard it when I was in high school.   There isn’t much to really say about this song other than I still like it and love to listen to it when it gets played on my iPod.    The music video makes me laugh and let’s be honest there really isn’t much to the song so I am not sure why it has stuck with me so long but it has and I can’t get enough of songs like this.

What random song do you love?

***As a side note I googled when the song was released and it was in the fall of 2002 so that would have been my senior year of high school.

Mama’s Losin’ It

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I Quit!!!!

I QuitWhen I saw that this was one of the posts for this weeks Writers Workshop I wanted to write about it even though I am having to post it a day early.  I am going to write about 4 which is tell us about a job you quit…why did you do it.  I am going to talk about when I quit my last job before I got hired on where I am at now.

As most of you know that I wanted to be a nurse and one of the things I had to do in order to become a nurse was become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA).  Once I got my certification I had to work as a CNA in order to keep the certification.  I had a few other jobs as a CNA before I ended up at the last place I worked at.  Once I got to that place is when I really fell in love with the job and the residents at the home.  Before that I could have walked away from being a CNA because it wasn’t something that I could have seen myself doing long term.

Anyway back to the story, I worked there for about 2 years and loved everyday of it until about the last 6 months.  I hurt my back while I worked there and that was the beginning of the end for me.  After I hurt my back the workmen’s compensation doctor put me light duty and after you are on “light duty” for 6 months or something like that they make you take a leave of absence.   Now let me say that even though I was on “light duty” and “couldn’t” lift anything over 25 pounds I was still expect to do everything including the lifting.  Because of that and the fact that there were never enough people working my back never got better.

So when they put me on a leave of absence without any notice I was in total shock.  I went home and tried to get ahold of my doctor so that he  could change the order and I could go back to work.  The only way he would change the order was if I moved off the floor working in patient care and moved into an office type job.  When I talked to my supervisor about this he said that there was a job for me and once they got the new order that I could come back to work.

Well when they did get the order the job I had been promised wasn’t there and the only job was for me to go back working on the floor.  When I got that call I was pissed off and angry and I had to tell them well then I guess I can’t come back because I can’t work on the floor with my back like it is.

To this day the whole situation really pisses me off because I loved that job and I would still be there if I hadn’t gotten hurt.  I am not even going to talk about how I got hurt because that is another whole post.  To this day my back still hurts everyday so I am totally considering getting my certification again and going to back to at a different facility because I love the job and since I am in pain everyday why not go back!

Anyways that is my story on why I quit my last job as a CNA.

Why did you quit your job and would you do it again?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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6 Random Facts~Writers Workshop

Random Facts

One of the prompts from last weeks writers workshop was to list 6 random facts about me.  Since I am not sure what I have shared and what I haven’t shared I decided I was going to ask my grandma to tell me six random things about me from when I was growing up and I would post what she said so here are her answers: (I was hoping to have pictures for most of these but I couldn’t get my scanner at home to work so there won’t be any pictures)

  1. I was probably 3 or so but she put me in a tree and took a picture of me and I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not.  I thought this was funny because I hate heights to this day so this is still so true!
  2. I loved to wash dishes when I was younger.  When she told me this I looked at her and said to bad I am not like that anymore lol
  3. There was one time when my mom dropped me off at my grandparents house that my braids were so tight that they stuck out from the side of my head like Pippi Longstockings did and mine didn’t even need wire in them!
  4. I have loved cats since I was a baby.  There are pictures of me looking at cat books and what not when I was a baby.
  5. I eat strange things such as Avocado’s, Kiwi’s, Pomegranates and things like that.  Now this isn’t weird now but back when I was in elementary school it was super weird because people didn’t eat many things like that.
  6. When I was learning to ride a bike I guess I borrowed a bike of one of the kids that lived behind us at the time.  Well his older sister came to get the bike and I was pissed off because he said I could borrow it.  Well as she was leaving I yelled out this out the door at her “You’re a butt head and your whole family is a butt head!”  I still laugh when she tells me about this because it just so me and who I am.

So those are the 6 random facts about me that my grandma told me!

Mama’s Losin’ It

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A Trend I Don’t Understand

Crazy Fashion Trends

Last week for the writers workshop one of the prompts was about a trend I don’t understand.  So when I think of trends that are going on right now all I can think of is the shirts that look like you are wearing old drapes or an old couch that could be found in someones attic.

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Photo Credit

I mean who in the heck wants to walk around looking like you are wearing a couch???  I have never been one to follow what the trend is or anything like that but these last few years I haven’t seen anything for the most part that I would actually wear.

I was looking at trends for Spring 2013 and I saw that people are wearing things that make you you look fat???  How does that work?  I mean why in the heck would I want to wear something like this:


Photo Credit

I don’t think I need clothes to make myself look fatter thanks though!  I don’t how clothes like this are flattering at all for anyone.   I am also sure that most people don’t put on their clothes hoping to be fatter or at least I don’t that is for sure.

Do you like either of these fashion trends?  Would you wear them? What trends can’t you stand?

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Introducing . . .



Today for the Writers Workshop I am going to introduce everyone to Sylvia.  I know I have talked about her on here before but I am going to introduce her and add a few clips of some videos that I have with her in them.

Sylvia is about 6 years old and my grandma is the one who picked out her name.  I already had Elinore when I decided I was going to adopt a kitten and I wanted them both to have “old” lady names.  She has always been a handful and has always hated to be held and picked up.  She is to this day still hates to be held.  While you are holding her she is growling and hissing.

She does have long fur so she gets mats.  Since she hates to be brushed we just brush the mats out when they are little because she will allow us to pet her when she wants to be petted.  When she decides that she wants to be petted you have to drop everything and pet her or she will hiss and run away.

She is the first cat we have ever had that is either sitting still or running full speed.  She doesn’t seem to go anywhere walking well she never used to but she has had to start slowing down because we redid the flooring in part of the house and she slides everywhere if she runs.

Here a few videos of her: The second one shows what she does when she wants to be petted and I try and move her off of me.

She is also scared of pretty much everything and I believe that is because she picked up on everything that Elinore was scared of in the beginning.  Since Elinore was abused before I got her she was super scared of everything and has since started growing out of all of those things but Sylvia is still scared to death of pretty much everything.

That is pretty much all of Sylvia and some of the crazy things that she does.

What crazy things do your pets do?

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May’s Bucket List

May Bucket List

So this week there were 2 prompts for the Writers Workshop that I wanted to write about so I am going to write about one today and then the other one tomorrow.  It is about half way through the month of May and thought that it would be fun to write a May bucket list and then check back in at the end of the month and let people know what I got done during the month.

I also wanted to do this because lately I feel like I am not getting anything done anymore.  It feels like I am always starting things but that I never really get to finish any of them because I have so much going on so my I thought this would be a good way to see what I actually completed in May.

May Bucket List

  • Finish reading 4 books.
  • Post at least 5 times a week on this blog
  • Write reviews on books the day I finish the book
  • Don’t wait til the last minute to read books  that I know have to review the next week or the next day even
  • Figure out what I am going to do with designs for this blog and also for my design site
  • Change the sheets on my bed every week
  • Don’t shop online and/or buy any more app’s for my phone
  • Start saving for a laptop
  • Drink more water
  • Don’t eat fast food more than once a week
  • Have all my blog posts set and read to post the day before they need to be posted

Those are the only things I can think of that I would like to finish this month.  I will let you know how well I do at the end of month!

What is on your May bucket list?

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