Musical Monday

Musical Monday Week 5-Rascal Flatts

If you would like to play along with this new meme all you have to do is:

  • Grab the button
  • Write a post that includes a song and why you like that song
  • Come back and link up!

The first song for this week is by Rascal Flatts  and it is called “I won’t go”.  I heard this song on the radio this week and it made me realize that at times I could use a guy around me to hold me up on days that I am struggling with life.

I also am going to post another song by Rascal Flatts and it is called “Forever”.  I found this song while I was listening to songs by them on YouTube.  This song reminds me of a couple of people that I wish were still in my life but decided that they didn’t want to be in my life anymore.  It makes me sad that they don’t need me around anymore but I do know that everything happens for a reason!

I hope you enjoyed the songs this week! Registered & Protected

Musical Monday Week 4 & Mondays With Melissa

If you would like to play along with this new meme all you have to do is:

  • Grab the button
  • Write a post that includes a song and why you like that song
  • Come back and link up!

 This weeks song is by a group called Karmin.  They are doing a cover and lets just say everything I hear this song I am amazed that she can rap like that.  I hope you all enjoy it!  Also after the video is Melissa’s post for this week!


    If I Could Do Things Differently

    At one time or another, most – if not all – of us have uttered the words “if I could do things differently…”. I think it is natural for us to look back on parts of our lives and wonder what things would’ve been like if we had made different choices. For a long time, I viewed this activity as nothing more than an entertaining daydream, or something I used to beat myself up with. It was a game with no practical value.
    My thinking about the “if I could do things differently…” scenario recently changed due to something I read in a great devotional I own. It is called Inspiration for Girlfriends, written by Ellen Miller. She has a section in the devotional titled Getting a Do-Over. The first time I looked at the title I thought “yeah I’m going to skip this part”, and I did. I didn’t even bother to skim through that section until I had almost finished the devotional and was running out of things to read in it. What I finally began to read it, I was very surprised to see that the author did not start the section off with how healing it is to think about past events and vent away about them, or think about the past and try to figure out whose fault it was that we made a poor decision. Instead she started the section off with how much we needed mentors in our lives.
    Basically she presents the idea that regardless of our age, how successful or unsuccessful we are, whether we are single or married, we all need successful men or women who have walked ahead of us. Basically, they have “been there and done that” stories, and are willing to share their insights. The author calls these stories Do-Overs, and explains them like this:
    …do overs are experiences to which, had they had a mentor they might have acted or reacted differently – even though they wouldn’t change their lives today.
    I found the concept of this amazing! Here was a way for me to take negative parts of my past, and turn them into something that might benefit someone else. What a wonderfully, positive way for me to view some of the not so wonderful things in my past that I was not exactly proud of. The truth is we all make our own mistakes, and I daresay that very seldom do we choose wisely. However, I think the wisdom, insight, and the benefit of another person’s experience will at least give us something to think about before we commit ourselves to a course of action.
    There is healing that comes with NOT rewriting our past, but sharing it as a way for someone to make better decisions about their future.
    In the very near future, I hope to share a few of my Do-Overs with you. I hope you take the time to share a few with me and Margaret. Registered & Protected

    Musical Monday’s-Memorial Day

    If you would like to play along with this new meme all you have to do is:

    • Grab the button
    • Write a post that includes a song and why you like that song
    • Come back and link up!

    This week for the songs I have chosen songs that are patriotic because of Memorial Day.  The first two I have loved for ever as for the 3rd one I just found it this past week and it made me cry!  I hope you all enjoy the songs! Registered & Protected

    Musical Monday Week 3

    If you would like to play along with this new meme all you have to do is:

    • Grab the button
    • Write a post that includes a song and why you like that song
    • Come back and link up!

    As I was reading Beth’s blog she had this song on her post and I fell in love with it.  The name of the song is Stronger and it is by Mandisa.  I hope you all enjoy this weeks song! Registered & Protected

    Musical Monday Week 2

    This week for Musical Monday’s I am going to post a song by Matthew West.  He is by far my favorite singer out there right now.  He is a christian singer and I can’t get enough of his songs.  The first song I called “Surviors” and Melissa from Sugar Filled Emotions what the person who told me about this song.

    This next one is called “Story Of Your Life”.

    These are only two of his songs but there are more that I like of his.  I hope everyone enjoyed these songs! Registered & Protected

    Musical Monday

    I have started this new feature because I love music and would like to share it with all of you!  This week I am going to post a song by Simple Plan called “Welcome To My Life”.  I first heard this song when I was pregnant with my daughter.  It says how I felt at that time and how I still feel about my life.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!