
Fly Away

For last week’s Writers Workshop I chose to post songs that told part of the story of my life.  One of those songs was this song by Sugarland.  I reason I like this song is because of these lyrics:

I’m so sick and tired of being told what’s good for me
People got lots of ideas of who I’m supposed to be

Now there are other parts of this song that I love as well but these are the first two lines in the song that jump out at me.  I love the lines because I do get tired of people who I know mean well telling me what they think I should do.  Those of you who know me know that the best way to make sure I don’t do something is to tell me that I should do it.  I have always done the opposite of what people tell me I should do.

I am the type of person who has to learn from my own mistakes so when people try and give me advice I don’t ever take it.  I know my life would/could be simpler if I would just listen when people give me advice.  I know part of this is because I am so stubborn that I have to do things my way.  Even if I know that my way isn’t the best way to go about doing something.

I love the second line because I am so tired of people telling me who they think I should be or what they think I should do with the rest of my life.  Like I said before I know most of the people who say things like that mean well but I get tired of hearing it.

What do you think of this song?

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Songs Of My Life

Mama’s Losin’ It
I haven’t participated in the Writers Workshop for a few weeks but I really liked on of her prompts this week.  I am going to write about: 5.) List the songs that tell your life story (so far).  I am sure most of you know that I love everything that has to do with music.  I am just going to list the songs and if you click on the name it will take you to the music video.

  • Welcome to My Life-I first heard this song while I was pregnant and it still reminds me of my life.  I love everything about this song.  I still have days where it is exactly how I feel.
  • Over You-This song is for someone in my past.  I think there is only one person who knows who this song is for.  I am not going to get into the story because it isn’t something I can really talk about yet.
  • In A Hurry-This song is how I am.  I am trying to slow down and just enjoy life but that is always easier said than done in today’s society.
  • I Wonder-This song is how I feel about my birth mom and it says everything I wish I could tell her but I won’t ever say to her.
  • Best Days of Your Life-This is song is for my husband and it is how I hope he feels.
  • Everything to Me-This song is written and sung by Mark Schultz.  He was adopted and he wrote this about his feeling on adoption.  This song is written from the point of view of the child who was placed.  There is a song by Cheire Call who has a song that is written from the birth parents view but I  couldn’t find a video on it.
  • Fly Away-I have a post coming up on Monday about this song so please make sure you come back and see why this song applies to me.

These are the first 7 songs that came to mind when I saw this prompt.

Do you like any of them?

What songs tell you life story?

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