Ellinore’s Post’s

The Cubs-An Update

The Cubs UpdateI don’t know the last time I have done an update on the cubs so since I am trying to have a post each day in November I figured now was a good time to write one.  Alley Cat aka Elinore is also sick and I am not sure how long she will be around so I figured I should write down some memories of her because after she is gone I know I won’t be able to write about her without crying.  If you are new here and haven’t read what I wrote about them before you can click here and check that out.  Anyway lets get on to the updates on the girls.

As I reading this post I realized that I may not have talked about Brycen before on here so if I haven’t he is my brothers son who just turned one.

Alley One


Like I said before Elinore aka Alley Cat is sick.  We aren’t 100% sure what is wrong with her because I don’t have money to really do the testing to find out what is going on with her.  The vet thinks it is probably inflammatory bowel disease and/or cancer.  So all we are really doing to treat her is give her cortisone shots about once a month.  Once those stop working though we will have to put her down.  Alley also doesn’t mind being around Brycen which is crazy because most cats don’t like little kids.  She will let him pet her and things like that.


Not much is really going on with Sylvia right now which is a good thing because I don’t think I could handle both of them being sick at the same time and having even more vet bills to pay right now.  Sylvia hates Brycen around her.  She just avoids him and if she does get caught by him she will just growl & hiss at him.  She hasn’t ever tried to hurt him so we don’t have to worry about that with him.  I don’t have any recent pictures of Sylvia so I am going to try and take one tonight when I get home from work so I can post it here.

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One Thing Elinore Does That Drives Me Insane!

Drives Me Insane

This week for the writers workshop I choose to write about number four which is: Your pets least likable character trait.  I chose this one because I could literally list several things that she does that drives me up the wall and this is the one thing  that drives everyone in my house insane.

Since I moved back home a few years ago Elinore has started only using the litter boxes to pee in them and not when she poops.  She will go out side of the box in the laundry room and on the rug that we have right next in front of the door from the garage.  I have no idea why she does this and what made her start doing this but needless to say everyone is tired of it.

When she does go outside and go to bathroom she will poop in the lawn but she will only pee in dirt or in a litter box so it isn’t like she doesn’t know what the litter box is for.  She just seems to not want to use it when she poops.  I have googled reasons why she has started doing this but everyone knows with cats you never know why they start to do crazy things.

If any of you have any advice on how to stop her from doing this I would greatly appreciate it.

What is one thing that your pet does that drives you insane?

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Well it is finally Fursday!!!!  I wait all week for my day to post!  Lets see this week has sucked.  On Sunday night I left Mom a present!  I was a perfect hair ball.  She didn’t seem to excited and she was cleaning it up though.  I mean it was a great gift if you ask me!  Oh well one day she will come to love them.  The other cat is being a bratt and won’t let me eat all of her food.  I mean come on I was here first and they never give me any so she should let me eat hers and just shut up about it. Like I said last week I would be happy if that cat disappeared and never came back again but Mom won’t let this happen!  Anyway back to me because it is always about me. I am mad at Mom because she won’t let me sleep on my thrown anymore.  The thrown I speak of is Mom’s pillows and her head.  Lately she has been taking a dim view of me sleeping on her head while I am purring and giving her a bath in the middle of the night.  Personally I think this just shows how much I love her but I guess she doesn’t see it that way!  Oh well I am going to keep trying because I know in time she will give up the fight and I will win! 
That is all for today!  Hope everyone has a great Fursday.