This week I chose to write about number four which is: Best or worst gift you have received. When I saw this prompt I knew I wanted to write about it because one of the worst days in my life happened on Christmas and I don’t think I have ever written about it on my blog so I figured now is as good as any time to talk about it.
Now that being said this wasn’t a true gift because I couldn’t hold it or anything like that, but it did happen on Christmas day. It was about 4 years ago since my now ex-husband thought it would be a great idea to send me a text message on Christmas day telling me that he wanted to get a divorce. We did end up trying to figure things out after but it didn’t work because he could never understand why telling some that they want a divorce on Christmas was something that I could never forget. I still have a heard time at Christmas because of what he did but every year I do my best to not let what he did bring me down.
What was your best or worst gift?
Here are all the prompts for this weeks writers workshop in case you want to pick one and write about it.
1. Write a blog post inspired by the last text exchange you responded to.
2. Share a favorite holiday inspired recipe!
3. Create a gift guide.
4. Best or worst gift you ever received.
5. Describe how you would celebrate the holidays if it was totally up to you and money was not a factor.
6. Write a blog post inspired by the word: frozen.