This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 5 which is eight places you’d go this summer if money weren’t an object. It was hard for me to get it down to just eight places because I love to travel, and if I could, I would go all the time. Here are the eight places I would go if money weren’t an object.
- Yellowstone-I loves Yellowstone so much that if I could pick one place to go on a vacation to every year, this would be the place. We went there when I was younger all the time and now that I am an adult I miss going.
- Michigan-I went here the year I graduated from high school, and I can’t wait to go back. I loved everything about this state.
- Ireland-Since I have started listening to Celtic Thunder I want to go and experience the country see the sights.
- Australia-I has always wanted to go here, and I am not sure why other than the fact that it looks super beautiful.
- New York City – I have been in the state when we went to Michigan the summer I graduated, but I want to see and experience New York City.
- A Cruise-I would go a cruise pretty much anywhere so that I could say I have gone on one.
- Florida-I want to go the Disney World along with just seeing the state.
- England-I love all of the history that you can see and experience in England, and I would like to just wander around and explore the country.
Where have you always wanted to go?