This week I chose number 3 for the writers workshop which is 10 things I love about spring. I am posting this a few days early because I have a book review to post on thursday and I really wanted to write about this prompt.
10-I love that my cats can go outside more often and that they can spend time out there.
9-I love watching the tree’s and flowers come back to life.
8-People are usually in better moods during the spring so dealing with them at work is usually easier.
7-I love all the fun colors that you can wear during the spring. Not that I don’t wear them during the fall & winter but I love that I can buy more bright color shirts and things like that.
6-I love for the most part it isn’t snowing anymore.
5-I love that the days are longer and I am not going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark.
4-I love having my sun roof & windows in my car down and turning my music up loud.
3-I love all the fresh vegetables & fruits that you can get during the spring.
2-I love all the baby animals that make their appearance in the spring.
1-The best thing about spring for me is the fact that I love that the temperature is in the 70’s and for me that is the best temperature for me.
Those are 10 of the things I love about spring time. I am sure that there are more things I love about spring but I am going to leave it with those 10 things for now.
What is one thing that you love about spring?
Here are the prompts for this week. If you want to join you can pick a prompt and then go link up here!
1.) A time you wish you had spoken up.
2.) Easter recap!
3.) 10 things you love about Spring.
4.) Write a blog post inspired by the word: late
5.) The most exciting thing you purchased this month.