Betsy Love has loved to write from the moment she could hold a pen and has been creating stories ever since she was in elementary school. Her high school creative writing teacher told her that one day she would be published.
When not sitting at her computer pouring her heart and soul into her novels, she loves going to her mountain property for inspiration and to escape the desert heat. She loves spending time with her family. At last count she has 20 grandchildren, has given up on gardening. If she had a horse, she might give up writing.
It’s one week before Christmas, and she must find a mother for eight-year-old Emily. Not an easy task, since Emily’s grieving father, Matt, is not ready for marriage. He’s still bitter about the accident that killed his wife and handicapped his daughter.
When events turn Joie into a human, she loses her magic and must use her ingenuity to heal the broken family. How could falling love be the answer?
Q&A With the Author:
What inspired this Christmas/Winter book?
I’ve been wanting to write a Christmas story for a long time, but just haven’t had any ideas. Then one day I was thinking about the movie Elf and suddenly a whole story formed in my head.
Do you have other Holiday books? If so, what are they are for which Holidays? If not, what other books do you write?
I’m working on a paranormal winter story. I’m not sure I’m going to call it a Christmas story because it’s a little more on the dark side than I normally write. I’m also writing a series that will take place around different holidays. The first one (still in the writing phase) is called “Ginger in Grayscale.” The theme is “What if you woke up tomorrow with only what you thanked God for today.” This one takes place around Thanksgiving. My other books (all clean) are spread across a couple of genres. I write mail order brides of the future. The series is called “StarBride Chronicles.” My favorite novel “The Penny Project, my anti-bullying book written from the viewpoint of the bully, is inspired by a true story.
What is your largest unfulfilled dream, and what are you doing to reach it?
To actually make a living as a writer. To achieve this dream I am working on my marketing skills and to date, I’m terrible at it. But that is about to change!
Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing?
Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing?
I love to crochet and am always on the lookout for a fun pattern. Yesterday it was a unicorn hoodie/scarf. My granddaughter is all about the unicorns.
Are your characters/stories/scenes, etc. based on anything in real life?
Yes and no. But I won’t tell you which loved ones I’ve modeled some of my characters after. I get some of my best ideas by listening to people talk about themselves. My favorite t-shirts reads “I’m a writer. Anything you say or do maybe be written into a story.”
Tell us one Christmas or Winter tradition that you love to do every year, and why it is so special.
When the kids were little, we loved to open one gift at a time and ooo and ahhh over each item. That allowed the receiver to properly thank the giver. We loved going to the Mesa temple to see the Christmas lights and then having wassail afterward. We would then read the story of The Three Trees and talk about how Christ is the center of Christmas.
Now that the children are grown and are scattered across the US, instead of sending Christmas gifts, we like to send ourselves. We rotate visiting our children and grandchildren.
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