Why Can't I Lose Weight

This week for the writer’s workshop I am going to be talking about a few reasons why I can’t lose weight. I know there a ton of reasons, but these are the ones that came to my mind first when I was writing this post. I also am well aware of what I am doing will cause me to gain weight or just make is so I can’t lose weight.

I had lost a ton of weight about six years or so ago, but I started a medication that made me put on tons of weight in a short period, and I haven’t lost all of it. Even though at times I have tried harder than other times I can’t see to get the weight off again. Here are a few reasons why I can’t lose weight.

  1. The first one is because I refuse to stop drinking Dr. Pepper. I have had to cut out so many other things out of my diet because of allergies or because of sensitivities to things like gluten. I know I would lose weight if I could do it out, but there is no way that will ever cut it out.
  2. The next reason is that I enjoy eating chips and fried foods. I love salty foods, and I would eat them for every meal if I could get away with it.
  3. Another is that I don’t work out, and I have the desire to start. I always say I can’t work out because of the Multiple Sclerosis, but it is just because I am lazy, and I don’t want to.
  4. I also know that I would lose weight if I had another job where I wasn’t sitting at a desk all day long and rarely leaving my desk. I used to help out in the warehouse when I was bored but because of the job I am training to do I am pretty much stuck at my desk all day.
  5. I also just sit around and watch tv on the weekends or read a book. For example, on Sunday I am lucky if I get over two thousand steps in. Most Sundays I only get about fifteen hundred steps. I know if I were more active I would lose weight. It also gets hard for me to do things because my sleep is terrible so by the time I get off work it is all I can do to go home take a bath and go to bed.

Those are five things that I know if I changed I would lose weight but as you can see I am not highly motivated to do any of them.

What is one reason you aren’t losing weight?

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3 Comments on Why Can’t I Lose Weight? – Writers Workshop

  1. Visiting from the Writer’s Workshop. Seems like you have the whole weight thing figured out. I can understand you on some of the issues as I have weight problems myself and know that if I had a job where I did not sit all day (I’m a transcriptionist), and if I tried to get out and walk more it would be easier to lose. My brother-in-law had multiple sclerosis so I know how difficult that can be to live with. Thanks for sharing your struggles.

  2. I started losing weight this past year – when I quit trying to do so. A big part of my success has been finding out that my thyroid was low. I also find that I crave salty foods less often (as well as fried foods) – chocolate and Coke Zero are my drugs of choice, foodwise.

    My weight loss started when I started swimming – easier on the joints, and if I don’t feel like going full throttle, then I walk in the water and swim a bit less. I think if you can find an activity you like that gets you moving (and it’s fun, not like counting steps), that you may stick with it. Good luck – never give up!

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