This week for the writer’s workshop I wanted to share a few of the TV shows that I am currently loving. I always have the TV on in the background when I am home, and I have found a few good shows that I have been totally enjoying this summer. Let’s get right to the shows I have been watching lately.
- The first show that I have found and love watching is called Escaping Polygamy, and it is on A&E. It airs on Sunday nights and ever since I found it I find myself binge watching it. A few years ago I read all the books I could find that were written by women who escaped polygamy so I knew once I saw this show that I would love it, and I was right.
- Another show I have been loving is The First 48 and it is also on A&E. I am sure I have talked about this show before because I have watched it for years and I will even watch the episodes that I have already seen one hundred times because I find the show so interesting.
- Another show that I am loving is Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel. I have watched this show pretty much since I have been blogging, and I can’t get enough of it. There is another show on the Travel Channel that I enjoy, and that one is called The Dead Files. I don’t watch it as much because it is at the same time as Lockup, so I usually end up watching Lockup, but I do enjoy it when I watch it.
- The last one I wanted to talk about isn’t show but a channel. It is called Investigation Discovery, and I will watch anything that is on that channel. I can’t pick a favorite because as I am sure you can tell I love cop shows and things like that.
Those are a few of the shows that I am currently loving. I have it on ID most of the time because I know I will enjoy any show that comes on. What shows do you love that I should check out?
Here are all the prompts for this week’s writers workshop in case you want to join in.
1. Write a blog post in exactly eight lines.
2. Show us a summer sunset!
3. What five images paint a perfect picture of summer to you? Put those five images together in a piece of writing.
4. Write a blog post inspired by the word: sticky
5. What are you watching? Share your favorite summer programming so far.
6. Your favorite summer view so far.

I just saw the last 2 Escaping Polygamy, and that’s been intense! That gal who’s trying to help her sister escape, wow! I can’t watch The First 48 any more. I watched it for a while, but it got to overwhelming for me. I love watching just about anything on Animal Planet. I shared on Kat’s today too about my Minnesota sunsets.
Mimi recently posted…Sibling Day At Sea Life Minnesota Aquarium
Ooh you watch some interesting stuff! I can tell you like a good mystery.

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