Book Review

Bum Rap by Paul Levine took me back to the types of books I have loved for years and gave me a new author to add to my list.  I loved the author’s writing and the setting of this book.  I loved all the characters and their backstories as well.  This is the first book I have read by this author but I am so glad that I found him because I can’t wait to check out other book that he has written.  Steve wasn’t my favorite character because of how he acted.  I loved Jake & Victoria from the start of the book.  I loved the setting and I didn’t want to put the book down because it hooked me.  This is the genre that I love so I had high expectations for this book and this book lived up to all of them and surpassed most of them.  If you love thrillers than I would for sure recommend this book to you.

Bum Rap by Paul Levine

About The Book

Publisher: Thomas & Mercer (July 1, 2015)

NFL linebacker-turned-lawyer Jake Lassiter has had it with shifty clients, dirty prosecutors, and a legal system out of whack. It’s enough to make a man want to leave Miami and never look back—until he gets a call from Victoria Lord, the better half of hot local legal team Solomon & Lord. Her partner in life and law has been arrested for murder. What’s worse: the only person who can clear him has fled the city. Now it’s up to Jake and Victoria to track down the witness—a stunning “Bar girl”—before she’s roped in by the feds…or eliminated by the Russian mob.

Jake knows that if he doesn’t get to the witness first, his client’s case is lost. Luckily, he’s got some good advice from his college football coach: “Buckle your chin strap and hit somebody.” And sometimes, the only way to win a tough case is to do just that.

Paul Levine

About The Author

PAUL LEVINE worked as a newspaper reporter, a law professor and a trial lawyer before becoming a full-time novelist. His books have been translated into 23 languages; Levine has won the John D. MacDonald fiction award and has been nominated for an Edgar Allan Poe Award, the Macavity, the International Thriller Writers Award, the Shamus Award, and the James Thurber Humor Prize.

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