Book Review

How To Catch a Prince by Rachel Hauck is the third book in this series and I loved it just like I loved the first 2.  If you didn’t catch my reviews of them you can click here and here to read them.  This are like modern fairy tales and I love that about the books.  I wasn’t a huge fan of Prince Stephen through most of the book because he struck me as coward but in the end he redeems himself.  I loved Corina from the very first page right through the end of the book.  Now this book is the third in the series but you don’t have to have read the other two to know what is going on in this book.  I love all the stories of these books and if you love contemporary fiction and/or romance books than I know you will love this book!

How to Catch a Prince

About The Book

How to Catch a Prince (Zondervan, February 2015)

She caught her prince once. Can she catch him again?

American heiress Corina Del Rey’s life was devastated by war. Every thing she loved was lost. But after five years of grief, she’s shed her grave clothes and started over in the sunshine along the Florida coast.

But some things are not so easily forgotten. When a secret from her past confronts her face to face, she realizes she must follow her heart. Even if it cost her everything.

Prince Stephen of Brighton Kingdom is a former Royal Air Command lieutenant turned star rugby player, trying to make sense of his life after the devastation of war.
When his brother, King Nathaniel, discovers Stephen’s pre war secret, he must deal with an aspect of his life he longed to forget. But how can he do so without exposing the truth and breaching national security?

Yet, true love has a destiny all it’s own. As the cathedral bells peal through Cathedral City, Corina and Stephen must chose to answer the call of love on their hearts.
Or let it be lost forever?

Rachel Hauck

About The Author

Rachel Hauck is an award-winning, best selling author of critically acclaimed novels such as The Wedding Dress, Love Starts with Elle, and Once Upon A Prince. She also penned the Songbird Novels with multi-platinum recording artist, Sara Evans. Booklist named their novel, Softly and Tenderly, one of 2011 Top Ten Inspirationals. She serves on the Executive Board for American Christian Fiction Writers and is a mentor and book therapist at My Book Therapy, and conference speaker. Rachel lives in central Florida with her husband and pets.
Find Rachel online: website, Facebook, Twitter

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