8 Things I Am Putting Off

This was one of the prompts from last weeks writers workshop that I didn’t get a chance to finish the post so I figured I would post it this week because I still wanted to write about it.  I hate that I don’t have the time to blog lately but that is what happens when someone is gone at work and I am left to do try and do their job along with my own job.  Anyway lets get on to the the 8 things I am putting off.

  1. Reading books that I have on my Kindle & Nook.
  2. Designing a new look for this blog.
  3. Getting post written that I keep in my rain day file for days I don’t have time to write a post for that day.
  4. Calling & taking my cats to the vet.
  5. Making an appointment to see an eye doctor about my eyes.
  6. Backing up my laptop to my external hard drive.
  7. Printing off invoice copies for the salesmen that I work with.  It isn’t hard it just takes time and I don’t want to be bothered by it.
  8. Cleaning my bedroom.  I always want to get to it on the weekends but I end up playing and chasing my nephew on Saturday & Sunday so it never gets done.

Those are 8 things I am putting off doing because I either don’t have the time to do them or I don’t want to do them.  What are you putting off doing?

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