7 Things I MissThis week for the writers workshop I am going to be writing about number 2 : 7 things I miss about being a kid.  I didn’t have the best childhood so I am not sure if I can come up with 7 things but I am going to try so let’s get started and see what I can come up with.

  1. I miss some of the friends I had when I was in school.
  2. I miss going to school.  I am sure some of you are shocked by this one but I really did love & enjoy school.
  3. I miss having a summer break and/or days off during the school year.
  4. I miss not having to worry about paying bills or running out of money before the month is over.
  5. I miss the few years I had when I was a teenager before I got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  I had a few years where I did get to feel like a normal kid but then I got diagnosed with MS and I felt like I pushed back down.
  6. I miss  the times were easier.  I didn’t even get into things on the internet until I was in college and I am so glad for that because I don’t think I would have survived high school if we had Facebook and everything that kids have to deal with today in school.
  7. I can’t think of a seventh thing that I miss so I am going to write one reason I am glad my childhood is over.  I am glad my childhood is over so that I don’t have to go to high school and deal with all the idiots I went to school with.

Those are the 7 things I miss about being a kid.  What do you miss about your childhood?

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2 Comments on 7 Things I Miss

  1. I am so so so so glad we did not have Facebook or Instagram when I was in school. I can only imagine! I feel for kids today and all that technology that creates such fear of failure. I did many ridiculous things in school but none are on film. Whew! I certainly miss not having to worry about bills.
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