Life In The Way

I haven’t written anything for writer’s workshop in months and when I saw a prompt from this week’s writers workshop I knew I had to write about it.  I chose to write about number 1 which is: Have you ever felt that life was getting in the way of a big goal? Did you end up giving up or pressing forward?

As I look back over the years in life it seems like life always gets in the way of a goals that I have.  I also have given up a few big goals because of things that happened in my life.  I also can see now that I look back that I am just where I need to be in life so even though I never saw myself ending up where I am that it was God’s will for my life.

For example I wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember and because of several bad choices and the MS getting bad I never made it and I know looking back now that I wasn’t ever meant to be a nurse but when it was so hard to feel like I was giving up on my dream and being forced to take a road that I didn’t know where it was going to lead me.

There are also goals that I have had to postpone because life through my curves and when there wasn’t anything I could do to make those goals a reality.  One of those goals was to start my business doing blog designs and I got it started but then I got sick & my laptop died so I had to take a break from it and now I am finding it is hard to get back into it.

So in the end I have done both in my life and I am okay with that.  I know that everything works out how it is supposed to.  I also try not to let things bring me down or stress about things that I have no way of controlling.

Have you let life get in the way of goals in your life?


Mama’s Losin’ It
This weeks prompts:

1.) Have you ever felt that life was getting in the way of a big goal? Did you end up giving up or pressing forward? (inspired by Crissy)
2.) 10 ways to cool off on a hot day.
3.) An app you love.
4.) If you could have any super mom power, what would it be?
5.) A blog post inspired by the word: glistening

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14 Comments on Life In The Way?

  1. I am a big believer that everything happens for a reason, and you are always exactly where you are supposed to be. For the post part, I have been able to achieve all of my goals, but there are definitely things that haven’t gone as planned. I just embrace the things I have control over and those that I don’t, and keep on keepin’ on!

  2. I never would have imagined that I would be where I am today. My goals in life in the previous years always had a different outcome, however I am so fortunate that life did throw me the curve balls that it did because if it hadn’t I would not be where I am today: a complete state of happiness. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post. Stopping by from Mama Kat’s, you can find me at
    Haley Webb recently posted…10 Ways to Cool OffMy Profile

  3. There is no life getting in the way. We make plans, we try to have control, but as I get older I think all that planning and all that control is just an illusion. We are not driving our lives something bigger is. That being said, we still have to try for things but we just have to be ready when something else happens instead! You might not believe it, but you can still do whatever you want with your life!! <3
    Christen recently posted…Can We Have Anything Other Than Our Parents’ Marriages?My Profile

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