My brother and his girlfriend had a baby at the end of November. I wondered how it would make me feel when there was a baby around. His girlfriend went back to work this past weekend and I was shocked to see that it wasn’t sad for me to have baby around. In fact having a baby around made me realize that I am 100% right when I tell people I don’t want kids.
When I tell people that I don’t want kids they always tell me that I will change my mind and things will change when I fall in love but I can honestly say I have no desire to have kids. The baby is a good baby I just don’t have the patience or even want to find the patience to deal with kids.
I realized that I am selfish person and to be honest I am 100% okay with that. I have to wonder how many women feel like I do but because people in this country expect you to have children so you never hear about it. I also wonder if there would be less child abuse if women weren’t made to feel like they have to have children.
As most of you are aware I did have a daughter when I was 20 that I placed for adoption. I now look at the situation and I am so grateful that I placed her because I am not cut out to be a mother to children. I love my daughter more than anything but I don’t have the patience to deal with children. I love to do my own things and be able to do what I want to do when I want to do it. I believe this is also part of the reason that I am okay being single and not looking for people to date.
Anyway I guess I want women out there to know that it is okay if you don’t want children and to not let the world make you feel pressured into having them! It is okay to say “No Kids”!