the bargain stephanie reed
 The Bargain by Stephanie Reed was an okay book.  I have to say that this book wasn’t the easiest for me to get through. I am not sure why I had a hard time getting through it but I did. I liked the story and the characters. There were parts in the book that I didn’t like and I think they could have done without but all in all it was a good book. I didn’t like the ending but that is only because I felt bad for the characters and I wanted so much more for them but that is just what happens to me because I feel like the characters are real.

The Bargain

About The Bargain

 Book one in the Plain City Peace series.

It’s 1971, and Betsie Troyer’s peaceful and predictable life is about to become anything but.

When their parents flee the Amish, nineteen-year-old Betsie and her seventeen-year-old sister Sadie are distraught. Under the dubious guidance of a doting aunt, the girls struggle to keep the secret, praying their parents will return before anyone learns the truth-a truth that may end all hopes of Betsie’s marriage to Charley Yoder.

The Bargain by Stephanie Reed

About Stephanie Reed

Stephanie Reed lives onthe outskirts of Plain City, Ohio, site of a once-thriving Amish community. She gleans ideas for her novels from signs glimpsed along thebyways of Ohio, as she did for her previous books, “Across the Wide River” and “The Light Across the River.”

Learn more at Stephanie’s website:

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