I Smile About

This week for the Writers Workshop I am going to write about 10 things to smile about because everyone always needs something to smile and/or laugh about.

  1. Funny pictures off of Facebook.
  2. Crazy memories of things I have heard said where I work.  It is a lot like the TV show “The Office”.
  3. Crazy things animals will do.
  4. The fact that I am finally divorced and so happy to be alone.
  5. Jenna Marbles videos on YouTube.
  6. Crazy things that my Grandma & little brother say on a regular basis.
  7. The fact that it is almost Friday! (It has been a week full of Monday’s for me)
  8. Funny emails I get set.
  9. The app iFunny on my iPhone.
  10. Listening to music.

Those are 10 reasons that I smile.  What makes you smile?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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