
It’s Official. . .I am finally divorced.

This post has been sitting in my drafts for over a week now and everything I open it and read what I have written I delete it all.  I have had posts in the past that have been hard for me to write and get written down but I never thought that this post would be one of them.  I am not sure how many people know but my husband and I have been separated for years.  In fact it has been so long I can’t even remember how many years it has really been.

We have spent more time apart than we ever did while we were married.  Anyway’s as of June 27th I was officially divorced.   It is crazy to think that I am now starting a new chapter of my life and I am not sure where it will take me but I am interested in finding out.  Most people know tell me that I can date and do things like that and well I am pretty sure I am never going to date again.  I am truly happy being single for the most part.

That being said while I am happy to finally have it done and over with it is also bittersweet and scary.  I am scared because like I said before I am not sure where life will go from here.  I am ready for the ride but scared at the same time if that makes senses.  It is bittersweet for me because I never saw this as an ending for myself.  I never saw my life taking this turn but I am slowly accepting it and moving on with where life will take me next.

I found out some news last week that I am still processing about the whole situation so be on the lookout for that post because it makes me wonder if it was even legal and things like that.


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