My Middle Name

A few weeks ago one of the prompts was to tell about your middle name.  I didn’t get a chance to write this then so I figured I would write about it now.  My middle name is Anne but it is said “Ann”.  The American meaning of Anne is favour or grace, prayer, God has favoured me.  I have always hated how my middle name is spelled.  I had a chance to change how it was spelled when my grandparents adopted me and my brother and I decided to leave it spelled the right way because I was named after someone so it just didn’t feel right to me to change it.  So that is my middle name.  Like I said I am not a fan of it but it just a middle name so I don’t go by it so its okay.

What is your middle name?  Do you like it?

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2 Comments on My Middle Name

  1. My middle name is Suzanne. I don’t care for it, but I think it sounds good with my first name.
    When I was younger I always wanted to change my first name. Now I love it and embrace it.
    Jill recently posted…Easter MemoriesMy Profile

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