I remember while I was in school thinking that I was never going to miss being in school.  Now that I have been out of school for a few years I realize that I do miss school.  I don’t miss tests but I miss learning.  I actually miss going to classes and learning new things.  It is crazy for me to think that I miss anything about school because I really hated school until I got to college.

High school was rough for me because of bullying and I just wanted to get out of there.  Once I started college and Weber State University I came to love learning and  going to class.  I know it had a lot to do with the fact that I was taking classes that I enjoyed and wasn’t stuck taking tons of classes that didn’t interest me.

I miss learning things.  I don’t know what it is about sitting a class room listening to a professor teach that makes me feel like I am learning but it does.  I really want to take a class here are there because I do miss learning.  I feel like I am wasting away when I am not in school.  I am sure that is because I never have finished school so I still feel like I need to finish.

School has always come easy to me and I think that is why I miss learning.

What do you miss about school?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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2 Comments on What I Miss Most

  1. I feel the same way. I miss having classes that taught me things that excited me and that I looked forward to going to for interesting conversation and facts that I wanted to fill my head with.
    WeeMason’s Mom recently posted…The Dogs Named Our KidMy Profile

  2. It is funny how we realize the importance of a good education and learning as we get older. It to bad young people don’t realize this when they are young.

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