I am sure most of you by now know that I love Kludgy Mom’s Idea Bank. There are so many topics and prompts so chose from that I love going over there and picking one to write about. If you are ever struggling to find things to post about I would go check out her site and I know you will find 100’s of things to write about! For this post I chose to write about: Is there someone who was in your life that you miss?
I chose this one because last week I read a book called “The Milestone Tapes” that I will be reviewing in a few weeks and it made me think of a few people that I really miss and I am sure I will miss them for the rest of my life.
The first person is my great grandma that passed away the spring semester of my senior year of high school. She died in April and I still remember it like it was yesterday I was super close with my great grandma and her dying was really hard on me. There are days that I sit back and wish she was still around so I could talk to her or listen to all the fun stories that she told me.
The other person that I miss is Melissa and she passed away in October of last year. I will always miss her because I did look up to her and she was always trying to make peoples days better. I knew her when she started blogging and we became really close. She was like a mom to me and it hurts to know that she is gone. I will always wonder what pushed her over the edge and why she did what she did. I also know from here that I can’t sit around and ask why things happened so I am living my life for both of us and I hope she is looking down and proud.
Those are 2 people that I will always miss but I know there will be more over the years but these two are the ones I miss right now.
Who do you miss?

Ya losing people is always hard to say the least.