For the writers workshop this week I chose to write about #5 which is: Write about the last time you laughed until it hurt…what happened?
Most people probably don’t know that I was raised by my grandparents. Over the last few years my grandma and I have gotten really close are she is always doing things that make my laugh until I am crying most of the time. My little brother also does crazy things to get a laugh out of people. I am sure some of the things we laugh about aren’t funny to other people but they sure amuse us.
We were out to dinner in January and we were finished eating and getting ready to leave when my brother looks around and says “I am going to get shot for this one”. We all looked at him kind of strange and he grab my napkin and his and held them up to his head. I won’t say what he said but lets just say all of us were laughing til we cried. I kind of wish we had done it sooner because there was a guy sitting near us that kept staring at us the whole time he was eating. I wish we could have given him something to stare at.
My grandma also will mix up her words or say wrong colors and after she says them wrong she looks at us with a strange face and almost always says “Who’s Yo Mamma” which makes me laugh even harder because of how she always says it. We are always laughing at our house and I am sure people would get a kick out of how we act most of them.
When is the last time you laughed til it hurt?