These are the prompts for this weeks writers workshop:
1.) Describe a job you absolutely would never want to do.
2.) Show us where you live. Not on a map (security please), but take a picture of the view out your front door, back door, or neighborhood.
3.) What makes you mad, and what are you going to do about it?
4.) In an effort to spread awareness, share your (or someone you know/love) breast cancer story
5.) If you could stop time for 24 hours, what would you accomplish?

It was hard for me to decide which one I was going to do that is why this post is up later.  I finally decided that I am going to write about #3.  For everyone that truly knows me you know that even I don’t know what is going to set me off.  The problem I have is I have a really hard time telling people when they hurt me or make me mad and then it all builds and I erupt.  I am working on this but it is super hard because I have a super hard time letting people into my life because I always seem to get hurt so I guard myself to stop me from getting hurt.  There are a few people in my life like Misti that know this about me and deal with me.  I feel bad for people that don’t really know me and get the wrath of me when I have been pushed too far.  My husband was usually on the receiving end when I was with him.  He would also do things to piss me off so that I would leave him but that is a totally different post.

When I erupt I usually yell and scream and then end up crying alone in my room.  I am finding though that if when I reach that point and just walk away the anger will go away.  I also am starting to write blog posts to who ever I am mad at and that helps even though I hardly ever post them. 

3 Comments on Writers Workshop

  1. I can really relate… I always guard a part of myself from new friends to keep from getting hurt and rarely tell people when I'm upset or hurt by something they did or said. I have blown up a few times… in a way it works to my advantage that I keep it in and that not much upsets me (or is worth showing that it upset me) because when I DO blow up it has a greater impact.

    Visiting from Mama Kat's!!

  2. I'm the same way. I let it build and build until it's like a volcano erupting. stopping by from Mama Kat's.

  3. I find if I can sit down and write my feelings out I feel better too and usually I then throw it away. I guess it is cheaper than therapy. Hugs to you!

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