This week I chose #1 which is Dear Mommy and/or Daddy…(write a letter to yourself from one of your children).  Since I don’t have human kids I am going to write a letter to myself from my girls(cats).  Enjoy!  Let me know what you think of it!

Dear Mom,

Sylvia and I have a few demands that must be met or we are going to raise up and have a rebellion.  First we need more catnip!  We are not getting enough of it a day and it is a total joke that you expect us to share it!  You should know by now that cats DO NOT SHARE ANYTHING!!!!!!  Hell we can’t even share the bed at night let alone our weed!  Secondly we need you to sleep somewhere else so that we can properly stretch out on the bed at night.  There is no need for you sleep in that bed.  So it would be greatly appreciated if you would relocate to a different spot at night.  Lastly we also need you to not wake us up when you get back from where ever you are all day.  We need our 20 hours of beauty rest and we don’t get that if you wake us up when you get home!

We would like you fix these problems ASAP!

Elinore & Sylvia
This topic is easy!  I can sum it up with one name Josh my husband!!!!

3 Comments on Day 16- Something or Someone I Could Live Without & Writers Workshop

  1. Hi, stopping by from Mama Kat's! I look forward to following you day by day and I left you an award on my blog!

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