So far this is the easiest topic we have had.  The one person I can think of that fits this is my husband.  I will regret the fact that I married him forever!  It is the worst thing I ever could have done but I had to do it hard way.  If I would have listened to my family I never would have had to go through it.  I have learned a lot from everything though so in the end it will be okay.  Just getting to the okay part is hard right now.  I would post a picture of the idiot but it would just piss me off so it is better that I don’t post one.

5 Comments on Day 8-Someone Who Made Your Life Hell, or Treated You Like Shit.

  1. We all learn from our mistakes, especially the horrible ones. I felt the same about my ex. It'll take a while, but the day will come when his existance will no longer bother you.

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