Saturday 9: Friends

1. How many of your friendships have lasted more than ten years? Which of your current friends do you feel will still be important to you ten years from now?
None of them.  I don’t like to put the work into them that needs to be done so I tend to not keep friends forever.  I would hope that Misti is still around.
2. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what’s the first thing you look at?
My hair
3. Who was the most recent person on your missed call list on your cell phone? What’s your relationship with the person?
Josh (not the husband)-Just friends
4. What did your last text message you received on your cell phone say?
Okay cool thanks no sense in having them in the storage room to have to go and get them you know.  It was from Misti when I told her we got in the plates and forks at work and that I put them under the sink in the conference room.
5. How would you “label” yourself?
Shy, Fat, Scared Of People
6. What was your favorite age that you’ve been?
I don’t know. . .Probably 25 because I am finally becoming me!
7. What is your current desk top picture? What’s it significant?
A background from Leelou-Blogs.  I love the ones they make.  They change it every month and until I start making my own I will use theirs.
8. What was the last thing you said to someone that you‘d like to take back?
Nothing-I usually don’t take back things I say.  If I say it then I meant it when I said it.
9. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to go back in time and fix all your mistakes which would you choose?
A million dollars.  All my mistakes have made me who I am today so I wouldn’t change it.
I hope that I never have to bury a child.  I couldn’t handle it and I don’t know how parents have to go through it manage it.  I also hope that I never have to be in a wheel chair.  The fear of a wheel chair is the only thing that is keeping on my current medication.  I would be so depressed if I ever have to be in a wheel chair.  I will lose everything that I enjoy about life if I have to be in a wheel chair not to mention my independence.

6 Comments on Saturday Nine & Day 6- Something I Hope I Never Have To Do

  1. Awwww . . . I wish friendship could be a bigger part of your life. My friendships are really old. My best friend and I have been friends for the past 25 years (since we were 5). My oldest friendship is about 27 years (known her since day care lol). The newest friendship I have from in real life is 10 years old. Lol. I hope you run into more people who make having a long friendship worth it.

    I hope to never bury a child either. That would break me.

  2. My daughter's great grandma used a wheelchair when she went out just for convenience, but when she was at home (until they put her in a nursing home 5 yrs ago, the a-holes) she was still able to get around on her own in her home if she held on to things to steady herself. She's currently in her late 80's, and I think she was diagnosed w/MS in her early 30's. And she never has taken any of the new meds they have for it.

  3. Hey Sweetie!

    I'm not sure what has you fretting over the possibility of being in a wheelchair. I certainly hope that it isn't in your future but if it is … I pray that you will be given the grace to handle it beautifully! People in wheelchairs are capable of living amazing lives!


  4. Hey Sweetie!

    I'm not sure what has you fretting over the possibility of being in a wheelchair. I certainly hope that it isn't in your future but if it is … I pray that you will be given the grace to handle it beautifully! People in wheelchairs are capable of living amazing lives!


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