Saturday 9: Your Smiling Face
1. No matter what’s going on in your life, what always makes you smile?
My girls always make me smile after a rough day.  I think that is because they love me no matter what my mood it.
2. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?
I can’t remember one
3. Do you hold a grudge?
It depends on what it is but a lot of time I do hold them and very rarely do it get over them and if I do get over it it takes along time.
4. What is the worst job you’ve ever had?
Being a CNA but it was also my favorite job.
5. What would be your dream job?
Being an RN working on life flight.
6. What is the happiest event you’ve experienced?
Then birth of my daughter
7. What is the saddest thing you’ve experienced?
Placing my daughter for adoption
8. Do you tend to exaggerate or underestimate?
I over estimate.
9. List the cars that you have owned. Give us just a few words about each one.
The first I had was a 97 Toyota Corola.  It was a great car and I put a lot of miles on it. My second car was a Honda Civic.  It was a good car but I didn’t like it.  My car now is a Scion TC.  I totally love this car!!!

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