Saturday 9: The Sun Rising

1. When was the last time that you watched a sunrise? Who were you with?
I don’t know that I have ever watched one.  That is really sad know that I think about it.
2. If President Obama promised he’d do one thing you asked, what would you ask him to do?
To disappear and leave our country alone!  He has ruined enough know it is time for him to go away!
3. What is one experience that has strengthened your character the most so far?
Placing my daughter for adoption.
4. What is the first thing that you usually do after completing Saturday 9?
Schedule it to post in the morning.
5. Tell us about someone either in your life or in the blogosphere that you think is extremely funny.
There are lots of funny people and I refuse to pick just one so I won’t pick anybody!
6. Where was the last bed that you slept in that was not your own?
Probably a hotel bed while I was with my husband(soon to be ex) last year sometime
7. Have you ever been too drunk to remember anything?
Nope I never have and I hope that I am never that drunk either.
8. Have you ever licked something to clean it?
Ya when I like what I am eating and then I put whatever it is in the dishwasher!
9. Who, outside of family or a S/O, has influenced your life the most?
There isn’t just one person.  There are several people who have made me what I am today!

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