Today’s topic is just a website.  There are lots of websites out there that I like.  I go to Facebook all the time and I also use Blogger all the time.  I read over 200 blogs so there again are a lot of websites.  I am always looking for new blogs to read and new sites that have DIY tips on blogging!  This is short but I couldn’t think of anymore and I didn’t wanna list any because I don’t have favorites!

1. What is one thing you miss the most about childhood?
Not having to worry about bills and going to work everyday.  I also would love a summer vacation where I didn’t have to worry about anything!
2. Are you still friends with your friends from high school?
Nope-I don’t even talk to hardly anyone from high school
3. Is there a catch phrase, cliche, or word that just drives you bonkers every time you hear it?
Not really oh wait UMMMM or Like drives me nuts
4. What is one thing that you think symbolizes America…besides “Old Glory”?
The military
5. What are your 4th of July weekend plans?
A whole lotta nothing!  Just reading and blogging!

3 Comments on Day 22- A Website 5 Question Friday

  1. I'm still friends with 2 people from high school but that's it. I don't go to any of the reunions either.

    Hope you have a good weekend!

  2. I have friends from school on my Facebook but I rarely communicate with them.
    I also read a lot of blogs. Sometimes it takes all day just to get caught up on them all.

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